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RE: Distorted Wisdom - A sure approach to burning out

in #steemit6 years ago

ahhh. yes.. the diet. You will get away with a few posts like that. People will understand and it even might make them interested in you more if you time it right and go honestly into it.. I made "2 shit posts"in my time here (those i consider "crap posts" Is there a nicer word for that? :D )... One was a Meme i made for a meme contest 3 months ago and the other was the prediction for Blocktrades world cup i failed to read the rules for.

The pressure you have when large stake holders are upvoting you and you want to just vent and be "human" is overwhelming. But you have to have that junk food from time to time. :D

Now browse @ sirvotesalot :D