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RE: Steemit Social Justice Warrior Life

in #steemit6 years ago

That comic is awesome!

The 93 followers and 4thousand came about cause the original book i was parodying had numbers that woulndt have fit in steemit perspective. was something like "63 followers and following 56 thousand. steemit isnt that big yet. the point was the sjw has almost no followers but follows a bunch of people and some how thinks it equates to people wanting their opinion. lol

Glad people enjoyed it, it was fun to make and hopefully can keep them coming out before to many people get triggered.



you still havent realized his comedy skits and book are the same thing?
Fucking swear your trying so hard its almost giving me a boner!

his skits and book are the same thing.

"gotcha"?!?!!?! lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and he makes satire not parodys, learn your definitions you keep pasting.

but i do, LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

read the first 12.5 step of the first book and watch the first 12 videos. LOL
but do keep pressing your shit show, im actually enjoying it right now.

his skits and book are one in the same.
but do keep bringing the salt, im enjoying it while trying to find a comment i actually want to reply to. but its awesome to see the stuff you say to people im talking to like they are going to give a shit.

damn bout time to pop another bag.

You say "your welcome" just like the sjw's in the post!!!!!!
IM dying laughing!!!!!!!