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RE: What Happened to the Dolphins?

in #steemit6 years ago

Thank you @drakos for your attentive post. I am glad to see that you brought this topic up and of course many will read your post and the comments bellow.

You are right many dolphins are less active, or stopped completely doing anything. Like you I knew few of them but I do not know how difficult it is to keep blog active and produce always good content and keep regular posting. Sometimes they spend hours and days for creating something and content but at the end you have not enough appreciation for all hard work. Except Steemit there is another life with its daily routine, like for example, me, my roof is leaking and I can't get a roofer to come and assess it. Unlucky we have rainy days just now. So what to do, just to put a bucket to collect water and patiently wait for roofer, finger crossed my roof will not fall apart from rotten wood.

Everyone is happy to hear nice words about his work and if there is no appreciation, then people just leave, if that happens then what is hte future of Steemit?

So we have to keep our followers happy this is only the solution, no matter how big their Steem power is :)