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RE: Don't Let Authoritarians Destroy Steemit Like They Did Google Plus.

in #steemit8 years ago

The takers will always outvote the makers unless the rules specifically prohibit that.

You have to be proactive in setting community rules to prevent that. Preemptive authoritarianism, to be a wiseass about it. It is a contradiction to what we want to believe as folks that believe in liberty, but unless the nannystaters and do-gooders are locked out of a system, they WILL ruin it.

R. Conquest, who studied genocide in Russia under communism, had 3 laws of politics, one of which is

Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.


Nicely put Steve, if we can preempt their attempts to coop the platform we can keep them from destroying it.