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RE: I have an idea for a Steemit video. I need your video contributions to make it happen!

in #steemit8 years ago

Oh yeeeeeeeeah!!!!!!!! Upvoted and resteemed. I´ll do mine on the weekend :-) Should the user videos include a message / sound? Like the one I did in my post? Or just moods like in your 1-second-per-day-project? Oh I am so glad you picked up the idea, THIS is steemit!!!


Send me whatever you want. I'm probably going to stick to the same format I've been using, but if you want to include audio to say something, I probably won't do it to every single clip, but I might be able to incorporate it into a few of them sprinkled throughout.

Here we go: my 15 seconds of fame, skating down the hill and talking in "Spanglish" :-)

Nice, got it! :D

Maybe you can use the last section with these kisses send to the camera :-D

Cool! @teamhumble, @transhuman, @sykochica, @gargon, @steemitqa hoping to have some videos of you, too! :-)

I've got @sykochica covered! :D

Haha, that's true. I know I had a second or two in some of your 'second a day videos!'

Oh sweet! Didn´t know that :-))

I'll see what I can do! lol :)

Ran out of nesting below:

I saw a number of locals in there...@winstonwolfe, @jazzyfish, @giftedgaia and myself (though in there I didn't look anything like I do now, lol.) We've got a good dozen or two steemit users here in and around town :)