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RE: I am giving away 360SP in Delegation to 3 Awesome Steemians

in #steemit6 years ago

Your SP delegation could help us a lot on supporting more quality content and real interactions with a project that we started a couple months ago, it's called like our city, @Maracay, the project is about curating content from our city first, then from our country, and also developing activities inside and outside of steemit like contests, giveaways, even workshops on fields like photography, graphic design, social media, makeup, and many other topics that we could share with more people.

Once we realized that we actually needed way more than 20 SP to curate something, we started building our SP by focusing on our personal account first (we're doing it right now while that account is "paused"), that way we could follow @Maracay's trail and maybe later delegating to that account. For now the SP you're delegating could help us be real curators from content from our city and our country. You're probably asking why we're not thinking bigger on curating content from the whole community, well that's simple, we know that even if we try the hardest there is tons of people that we are still not able to support, our idea is to start helping more people around, guideing and supporting activities and people from around us, your SP delegation would help us support our community that is the city where we live and it's people, then we can start dreaming way bigger, for now that is something that we're sure we can do for the steemit community but starting from close to us.

We hope what we wrote makes sense because it's been a long day, body and mind are looking for some quality time with the bed. Thanks for the opportunity you're giving everyone right here!!!