A Question To You

in #steemit6 years ago

Inspiration for writing is something which does not have timing or formula for success. I see it as a blink of a moment when you understand yourself and you are able to express it in a better way.


Then, hopefully there will be people who relate to you. As a song writer finding topics for my songs have always been easy. I see something on the Internet which irritates me or hear people on the street talking about shit. I know I have the answer to many of their problems BUT I need invitation otherwise I won't be heard (if you are wondering what invitation I am talking about check my first article in category #introducemyself ).

That is why I find music and Steemit blogging very useful for sharing my thoughts and I hope we will resonate with each other. However I am looking for your feedback and what are you interested in.

I am all about crypto news, reggae/dancehall & hip hop, book reviews, human design and trips in the nature. I also like to follow people like Gary Vee, Grant Cardone and Tai Lopez. Of course, you can leave a comment with alternative suggestions and topics I can cover for you. For example, why do we care more for our football team than we care for our future etc.

Enough about me. Dear Reader, what about you?