13 tips for those in Steem for the Long Haul.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

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I was going to make a post about being in Steem for the long haul.  When I went to find some art to steal on the Internet I found the picture above and decided to use it as a "Story Starter" and try to come up with 13 tips off the top of my head!  Haha.

13 tips for those who want to be long term investors in Steem.

In no order, and from the cuff.

  1. HOLD as much as you can - Every Steem you earn helps you to earn more.
  2. Compare results to previous months so you can see that it starts going a little faster and a litter faster if you are holding
  3.  If you account is still tiny buy whatever you can even a few bucks will help, momentum grows once you get the ball rolling
  4. Post or reply often, remind people you are here by engaging and making comments.
  5. Network.  It is a Social Networking Site more than a Great Content Site.  Make friends.
  6. Don't pay attention to the dollar amount of Steem, pay attention to how many you are earning,
  7. Help and encourage other users, if you are in for the long haul, make it a fun experience for others as well.
  8. Don't complain often.  Successful people evaluate, figure things out and select a course of action.  They have already accepted life isn't fair and some dude named Dan isn't going to single handedly change the world with a blockchain.  (Although he may alter it some)
  9. Diversify your Steem Income.  Delegate a bit, sell a couple of votes, blog, comment, help SteemCleaners, Enter Contests.  Don't just play one game, invest in several things.
  10. Read about other cryptos and pay attention to the overall crypto markets so you know when Steem is just moving with the markets and when it is impacted by something directly.
  11. If you have a small account vote for yourself, I think you should do it if you have a large account too, it will make you feel better about holding.  Don't do it 10 times a day, but take care of yourself first and help others afterwards.
  12. Don't  expect to make it to trending if you don't buy votes and don't compare your rewards with those who are on it.  Set realistic goals and low expectations.

lol, that was fun...  I don't mind my off the cuff list...

What are your top five tips for those in it for the Long Haul?  I'm curious.  

Especially the RedFish and Minnows who are doing great, tell us what you are doing that is working!  Everyone feel free to meet and engage in the comment section and upvote your comment.

Have some fun!


  1. Never power down. Ever.
  2. Try to post every day. Sure, life might get in the way to prevent that here and there, but try.
  3. For noobs in particular but, generally everyone else too, comment, comment, comment. And not just “Nice post, bro”, put some effort into it.
  4. Post with a variety of apps. Steemit itself is just an app. Try @zappl or @dlike or some app that just got introduced.
  5. Maybe not as a plankton, but at least as a minnow, start doing some delegating.

I’m serious about never powering down. If the Steem blockchain does as well as I think it might, someone who’s been able to build up a largish (no clue how to quantify that) amount of SP might be able to have a significant income stream.

Agree! I second the idea of "Never Power Down" if you have to take liquid so be it, but if you can convert that also while the account is young.

yeah powering down means draining the value out of your account. if the idea is to invest, then invest! now if you're a whale during a bull run and you have 500,000 dollars worth of steem, then powering down a thousand bucks a week to pay for expenses might make sense.

but yeah... you gotta power up, power power up!

Nice comment bro :)

I'm powering down this week - really! - but don't panic it's just a tactical plan to move some Steem Power around.
I'm actually investing more time in Steem at the moment, because I figure those of us that have a crack at it when things are down, could end up looking better once it's up.

Why should I delegate? what is the advantage? I've delegated to dmania, just because it's a fun and silly distraction from my day... I don't quite understand how delegating helps except that dmania pays out some rewards to me from time to time. Can you explain how this works?

  • Use other front ends. Learn how they work. For example, steepshot.io isn't just a photo site... there's enough space in the "description" space to allow up to about a 300-word post. PLUS you get to use up to 10-12 tags. That's pretty cool!

  • Engagement, engagement, engagement! Don't just POST things. Get people involved in your posts by finishing them with one or more questions. Comments come more readily when people have a writing prompt.

  • Stop worrying about the price of Steem, every ten minutes!

  • If you're a newcomer, look around for contests and challenges. It's a great way for a small account to get an extra boost, and because they attract a lot contestants, it's also a great way to attract new friends and followers.

  • If you're motivated by friendly competition and want to engage with lots of people, join @abh12345's "Curation and Engagement Leagues." No cost; weekly prizes; lots of good people.

  • Focus less on "quality" content, and more on whether you are adding "value," in some way... "value" meaning what you post inspires people to interact in some way, rather than just pass by. Are you funny, educational, weird, informative, expert? Don't just spam crap... nobody likes that HERE, any more than on Facebook.

Mostly, just have a good time. As @whatsup said, it's a SOCIAL site. So be social. Don't just "beg for money and upvotes," that's just annoying.

Nice list also!

A few new ones. thank for your input!

I don't think to make big plans at the moment! But what I feel as the best is collect more and more STEEM till SMT launch! I think it's the turning point of everything! And I think you might not regret what you did at this panic market time!


My tips.

  1. Don't Power Down
  2. Don't look at the prices
  3. Don't stop posting - a shitpost is better than none...lol
  4. Don't relent on engagement, meet people
  5. Absolutely, Positively Don't Power Down!

Especially the RedFish and Minnows who are doing great, tell us what you are doing that is working!

I’ll bite!

  1. As others have said, comment comment comment! But I have an extra trick here - when someone leaves a quality comment on my post, I try to not only reply on what they said, but also check their page and read and comment on one of their recent posts. I find that this is the secret magic formula for gaining a follower!

  2. Post quality content. This was not immediately intuitive to me what is meant. But I think I have it figured out a bit better now. Sure I could go spend two days researching a topic and writing a “quality” post about it. But I find it’s better to write about what I already know. I’m no expert on anything, but I do have unique experiences that I can leverage for interesting content. Stick to what makes you unique and you won’t go wrong.

  3. Get plugged in. Steemitbloggers was my community of choice, but joining a Discord group will do wonders for your reputation. It’s hard to go alone! Here, take this!

  4. Humor trumps seriousness. Make people smile when they read what you have to say and they’ll be coming back for more. If you’re not funny, at least be somewhat self-deprecating.

  5. Enter contests! This will give you a triple play of success. You will generally get way more upvotes, you will form new connections and meet new people, and it will solve the perpetual question “what should I write today?” 😀

Great things to do and I love the magic formula!

remind people you are here by engaging and making comments

Hello , I am here reminding you that I am making an engaging comment...

lol, good one and by the way, you are someone I am following because of your comments!

I am well aware that my blog posts are actual shit ...tks for the reminder...

comments is a different story...

Haha, I didn't say that at all. :)

I know you didn't say that but this is only way I can get people to see my posts.....It's a techniques we call in in the biz... PAP....passive aggressive promotion

Well, yeah the Kim K ass picture made me feel a bit sick. haha

we need the mASSES to join us on Steemit , don't we ?

When I went to find some art to steal on the Internet


  1. Compare results to previous months so you can see that it starts going a little faster and a litter faster if you are holding

This one is huge. Until I began renting delegation, my curation rewards were pretty much non existent. As my investment out of pocket has grown with that, I am seeing much faster growth. I believe some of it though (which is why I rent delegation and do such small self voting so I can reward others) is that when others can be rewarded for the interaction better, they appreciate the interaction more. Not talking about the greedy suckup fake ass peeps, although I am sure they appreciate it too, lol.

  1. Help and encourage other users, if you are in for the long haul, make it a fun experience for others as well.

So much this. The quicker others succeed and enjoy being here, the quicker everyone grows. They will want to log in, want to interact with you. The only qualifier I put on this is don't be a fake ass, because you want to enjoy your time here too so this doesn't get to be like a job. Gravitate towards your interests and everyone will have fun.

  1. If you have a small account vote for yourself, I think you should do it if you have a large account too, it will make you feel better about holding. Don't do it 10 times a day, but take care of yourself first and help others afterwards.

This one I want to point out there are other ways to look at investing. Right now I am currently sitting at just over 5% self voting, it usually is between 3-4%. And I rent delegation as I said earlier. I have been told by some I know that I am being foolish, that i should be self upvoting at least 70% to recoup my delegation rental. But, I feel that investing in those i enjoy is investing in myself. It just isn't going to pay off today or tomorrow monetarily. But out of those in my circle, those that stay will one day be minnows, dolphins and maybe even whales. And I will be helping them get there. People complain about whale circle jerks. But I think some of that is the bonds they formed as they either mined or grew naturally together. This is where that bonding will take place, and this strategy will accelerate my growth I believe as time progresses.

Consider my last one my tip for an alternative approach. Thanks for making the list, some very keen observations there.

I think 5% is a good number and 70% maybe a bit too much. We went through a phase where people were training not to vote for themselves. I give one of my own posts a 100% upvote a day, which would average out to around 10%. :) Everyone has to find their own balance.

Fun list! And all very useful pointers. I really have nothing to add. Networking is key... it's not what you know, it is who you know. The networking game just about trumps all here, so might as well join the game and play it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely, "who can collect the Steem"? It's part game, part social media...

Here are my tips :
1 Never post for the sake of posting...Only post quality content
2 Never ever power down...power up as much as you can
3 Comment on other people's post
4 Comment on the replies to your post and don't miss out on any
5 Be active in discord and invest time for networking

If you do all these right you will be a success...
And this was such a great article that I would not like to upvote my comment...infact I would love to upvote this post :)

Excellent tips.

Thank you...I have followed these tips and am doing well..
Do visit my blog if you get free time...your suggestions would be valuable:)

For long hauls use autopilot....

A nice list of valuable tips here. I think it can be difficult to stay motivated when things seem flat so hints like yours are a good reminder to stay the course.

These are not good advice for the "gimme quick money, a lot" people :)
Only for us are valueable, who want to give something to others.

I dont know, which one type of people are more.

  • Sell high, buy low;
  • Monetise real skills outside of Steemit and buy Steem on the dips with the proceeds;
  • Keep hoping you won't pass away before the long term starts.

haha, Excellent advice. :)

Bah, humbug,...

Of course the red fish and the minnows are doing great...they didn't have anything to lose so they are still in the pond. lol.

My advice would be:

Hold because you don't have enough in your account for some fish food anyway. lol.

Jokes aside it's actually nice seeing people commenting on low earning post for once. What I've found is that since the trending page isn't seeing a ton of post making hundred or thousands of dollars that in the end, when it really comes down to it people would rather read a ten fifteen dollar quality post then some ten fifteen dollar junk post on trending...that should mean a lot to all those quality post writers who were vying for attention but weren't getting it.

Well the more redfish and minnows we keep the better. The price going low might mean better distribution. We need new stake holders and investors. Many of the ones we have seem to be playing for short term.

I don't see any big investments coming in until the market starts stabilizing, you really can't blame big stake holders for pulling out, that's a lot of money to lose that there's a slight chance they won't get back depending on what crypto's do. Now I understand why a lot of them have more than one account, if the price dips they can pull out some of their money but have another account that keeps them going during the rough times.

Patience patience and hustle all the way down

"Network. It is a Social Networking Site more than a Great Content Site. Make friends." I think that is the best thing one can do here. It is super hard to get noticed if you post and never talk to other people.

I only came up with three tips that have not been mentioned before.

  • Be honest and truly yourself. That will make your time on the platform easier.

  • Don't focus only on money. Realistically, everyone in Steemit came to a greater or lesser extent because of this, but do not worry about this alone at the expense of everything else, because it will make you work hard to achieve it, and disappoint very quickly.

  • Publication for you and not for others. This will attract a public that is really interested in what you say, and with which you can relate for a long time.

Also good tips this post has a world of information on it.

I would only add 1 thing to that list, try all the other apps like dtube, dlive etc, my first attempt with both was yesterday, now I am going to have a play with every app I can find on here, peace and have a superb week.

Yep, good idea.

Great mantra at the right time. When the steem prices are down and many user are getting hopeless the post could be is motivational factor for many. ... I would like to add ....Stay calm....patience and persistence does pay off.....Steem on !!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @whatsup,

These are mine:

  • Post everyday. I try to do that.

  • build relationships. I have been building relationships and it has been working for me, although it is hard to build relationships with certain people.

  • trying to get a whales attention.

  • i have no plans on powering down my 1300 steem power. I will continue to grow it as long as I am on steemit.

  • Trying to use other dapps on steemit and not just blogging, to make my stay here fun, because adversity is the spice of life.

Be careful with trying to get a whale's attention. ;) Put the same effort into finding 30 minnows and supporting each other and it will take you further in the long run. We have 57 whales and 8800ish minnows.

OK. Noted.

I think #11 gets too much negative publicity. If you owned a grocery store, would you shop there or down the street at your friend's store just because a few people were very vocal about it would be the right thing to do...?

#2 & #6 are important. I've been tracking this a few months now. If I only paid attention to my wallet estimated account value, I would be very discouraged. Because that's actually gone down, but I've actually increased my SP 250% since I started tracking and 22.5% this month.

#1 - I really don't understand people powering down, especially right now with Steem so low... Only as a last resort to an emergency in the "real" world...

#9 is how I built my free account to 223 SP with no investment + 100 shares of SBI + investing in @qurator in 189 days.

I upvote one of my posts a day. I will do it if I am the biggest whale in the world. It is a reason to hold when on some days I wonder why. :)

haha! You are rocking it though, don't change a thing! :)

In the minnowuprising project gave me the advice, i can use the selfvote.
So a few days ago, i started it...
Man, this feeling... its a sh.t feeling :(

Yes, self upvote at least once a day! Grow your account, do it for the good of Steem. We need engaged steakholders.

Right sir help eachother to grow rich all content is good 👍

Great mantra at the right time. When the steem prices are down and many user are getting hopeless the post could be is motivational factor for many. ... I would like to add ....Stay calm....patience and persistence does pay off.....Steem on !!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great mantra at the right time. When the steem prices are down and many user are getting hopeless the post could be is motivational factor for many. ... I would like to add ....Stay calm....patience and persistence does pay off.....Steem on !!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great mantra at the right time. When the steem prices are down and many user are getting hopeless the post could be is motivational factor for many. ... I would like to add ....Stay calm....patience and persistence does pay off.....Steem on !!

Posted using Partiko Android

Am following most of them and am sure will be looking forward to the others that I am missing (one or two)

Thanks for the heads up by the way ;)

This post has received a 10.26 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @whatsup.

✔️Always keep your headphones near you.
✔️If you have a girl sitting then talk to her.
✔️Enjoy your flight

It's a good checklist of things for a decent steemit experience. Networking, commenting and being part of communities is really critical for success. Self voting I guess is a personal issue, I try not to, but I have no problem with people who vote on their own posts. Voting on your own comments I'm not so keen on though...

Diversifying your Steem income is also a good tip. Steemcleaners is great for an extra little bit on the side when you can't think of something to write, and passive income from delegation is a nice steady drip. If course, supporting communities with Delegations is a more long term investment into the general health of the system.

My five tips (for what they are worth)

  1. Try to get in the habit of posting once a day.
  2. Try different types of posting if you are short on ideas (like ulog).
  3. Join communities and support others, it does come back to you!
  4. Stay clear of flag wars... Small accounts get hammered, and it just isn't worth it.
  5. If you have a bit of fiat to invest, then do it. Like you said, it is a snowball effect!