
Possibly the most overlooked aspect to earning money on steemit there are plenty of great ways to figure out how to earn more with curation from using Steem upvoter to making your own upvote bot.
For example as you can see, comments tend to pay out a lot less than blog posts, but if you're able to make a lot of them, the money can quickly add up. Remember, the more insightful and relevant your comments are, the more likely that other people will upvote them.

I am not a bot and don't want to create more bots or proliferate their use. I have been in the field of Artificial Intelligence, and I think I am qualified to make an intelligent assessment - none of them are anywhere near intelligent. I think that some profits from their use, but, that defeats the purposes of the reward system.
So, I am not a bot ... I do more ... I am here to ... (see my profile and posts).

Earn money is very easy on steemit. By bloging and comenting