@berniesanders got exposed and isn't happy about it! :))))

in #steemitabuse6 years ago (edited)


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Hello berniethebitch, I am a simple vote scheduling service for randowhale so that you can always catch it awake and get an upvote from them. For a full description of how to use me, check out my guide post.

Actually haejinsucks is not a berniesanders account :joy:

And many people do know (it requires next to no research skills to figure out whom actually controls the account)

But yeah, not a bernie account

I'm not a bernie account.

Everything from inception of this account to voting patterns make no sense to be a bernie account. Lets just put it this way, my first few posts (had you actually read them) give away who created this account... The account was created by anon steem... And yet there was an account that sent steem to anonsteem the minute of this accounts inception... Anyways I guess you proved my hypothesis though!

See, when you get no replies other than me, you will realize you HAVE BEEN SILENCED. I won. Bitch.

I dare anyone to comment on this post. See what happens when you encourage a worthless troll like this one.

Nobody cares what some worthless troll like you has to say. Please continue. I'm even going to stop flagging you myself and let others deal with you.