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RE: Feedback on Feedback - A Contest in the Name of the Community

in #steemitbloggers5 years ago

I would have to say that hands down @theironfelix provides about the most robust feedback across the entire STEEM blockchain. I receive some feedback from @bananafish folks, including mostly @f3nix. I can't pretend I'm the most active user on here, however. I posted a lot at first. These days, I have so many irons in the fire that I have trouble keeping up on Steemit.

Still I'm thankful to the bananafish for running consistent, quality contests and for engaging readers and writers.

Posted using Partiko Android


c: ~Love yah, Michy~ <3

Well, neither can I pretend such a thing. I know about them irons.

Thank you for showing here, anyway. Your input is valuable to me.