How Having Misophonia & Trypophobia Can REALLY Send You Into A New Level of Rage!


Have you ever just gotten irritated by just hearing someone chew, hearing the sound of nails going down the chalkboard, someone breathing loudly, someone licking their hands, sipping a drink very loudly, oh gosh, how could I forget hearing the sound of a fly passing by! These things really get my blood boiling! 

When I hear someone chewing food or chewing food while talking, I honestly just want to strangle that person, sometimes I want to do even more horrible things to that person if I'm being totally honest. Well, if you didn't already know, this is called misophonia! Misophonia can be somewhat life ruining especially if people close to you unknowingly do things that trigger it. It can cause you to be quite distant from whoever triggers it. I get bothered by people who eat with their mouth open or talking while eating and chewing loudly and it's caused me to go to my room if It's too much to handle and I'd eat in my bedroom or at least further away from that person if possible(I know that's bad).Typically all these things will fill my body with a level of rage and anxiety that i honestly can't contain and sometimes to the point of me wanting to cry because it's so frustrating!!! They seriously drive me to insanity!

I'm warning people around me to not do any of these things in my presence unless they want me to go psycho on them!!!! 


Although misophonia is absolutely horrible to deal with! There's something that I find to be shockingly worse than misophonia for me and that's....wait for it...TRYPOPHBIA! Just hearing the name gives me anxiety!! Trypophobia is when you see a cluster of small holes and it just makes your skin crawl or in my case, seeing a cluster of small holes makes me extremely itchy all over and I eventually have to take a shower to help get rid of the itchiness. It also causes me to panic. 

May the Lord be with me as I upload these photos: 



Seeing these pictures just really disgust me so bad! I even had to ask someone close to me to put this up for me because looking it is making me feel like I have bugs crawling all over me! 

Now imagine having to go through both of these things at the same time. I think that will be the day I actually die because I cannot, I repeat I CANNOT deal with such! Thank God that there are misophonia clinics to help deal with this phobia because I think it's pretty clear that I need it!


The honeycomb hand gave me the chills . Had to bite my lips lol

absolutely disgusting!

WHY WHY WHY???? I nearly threw my laptop on the floor! I have serious trypophobia. I feel horrendous anxiety and revulsion.

lol, I'm so sorry!! I know it's awful to look at

Oh God, that must be horrible to go through, I'm sorry. I don't think I have a trypophobia but I still find the first example really disturbing. Can't even imagine how it feels for You. Thank You for sharing Your experiences, I wasn't even aware that such phobias exist and can be that damaging. Keeping thumbs up for Your wellness!

Thank you!!

The second photo is disgusting.... I can't look at my palm again

The first one I totally get. My father chews gum with his front teeth and it creates a grinding noise that messes me up. My brother eats really fast and I can hear his jaw bone grind. Actually, anything with grinding teeth and jaws just ruins me. Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit all over someone, before beheading them.

Oh gosh no, I totally understand.