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RE: Sharing Educational Content on Steemit is a Huge Responsibility... Sharing with Followers What I Feel About Contributing to the Platform!

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

@ilyastarar Firstly I would like to thank you for you continuous work on providing guidance for newbies like me ! I have learnt a lot from your tutorials. Secondly - You are 100% rights, a good piece of content takes days, even weeks to prepare. I personally spend at least 4-5 hours writing an article and I don't even provide tutorials. Crazy how many people post just to upvote themselves and earn a SBD or 2... I prefer the long-game !

I would be very happy if you can check my content and share some feedback with me, as I have a lot of respect for you and your opinion would bring me great value !


I have your blog open in the next tab and I will surely have a look at it. Expect feedback in comments to your recent posts.

Thank you so much for your feedback.