in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

I have fun, learning the numbers


The fact that children develop a mathematical reasoning is a fundamental part of their education, knowing the numbers and how they can be used will give them a useful tool in their life with which they can calculate and do many things at a logical level.

Although we do not realize, everything in life is related to mathematics, from the simplest detail to the most complex, since we wake up in the morning our brain is doing a mathematical work, as for example when we calculate the time it can take the bus from our house to our work or school, or how much will be the change that we must return when we pay something with a high denomination ticket. Based on this, it is very important that children from very early learn and be taught the use of numbers to later perform more complex operations.

Everything starts from scratch

Teaching basic mathematics or counting a child is a laborious task, so you should arm yourself with patience and affection. Everything starts from the most basic, before the child begins to add or subtract the main thing is to recognize the numbers and the order they carry, at the beginning of a child's life, you can recognize the shape of a number, but at the moment of counting we realize who does not know his order, can jump from one to six arbitrarily, this because he does not know the order in which the numbers are.

Since school is taught to count, we always start with the one, for some teachers start counting from the one is a rule, something normal, for others it is important to consider the role played by the zero in the number chain. Although zero is not taken into account many times because it is equal to it, in mathematical terms zero does not play a very important role or cancellation, but it is good to remember as additional data, that zero separates the negative numbers from positive, but this is something more complex than children will understand at that moment, according to age, what we should try for the child to recognize the numbers and learn the order in which they are

Activities and recommendations to teach the order of numbers.

At first, children only recognize the forms, so when teaching numbers and order should be done gradually, from the simplest to gradually making it more complex. There are activities and routines that can be applied to perform both tasks, that the child recognizes the numbers and that he learns his order.
There are stickers or drawings that we can place in the child's room where we will always see the numbers in a constant order, regularly from one to three, (1 2 3), painted in colors, when we begin to refer to the numbers, the little child Little does he realize that the count of the numbers begins in that order. Using visual and colorful supports you can differentiate each number and you will know which one follows.

The most traditional way of teaching is also the order that the numbers follow with the fingers.

To teach them how to tell, you should do it gradually, you can start by setting limits until you master them, for example, counting from one to three, and then with the fingers of one hand resting on them you can count from one to five, periodically, as you progress In the account will be added more numbers, such as counting from one to three, and then from one to five, the important thing is to go from less to more.

Another equally important recommendation is to perform a routine to explain the order of the numbers, you can make games with the number of drawings where the child and his toys can place a toy in each number, it is important to count out loud, so that remember the order It also serves the opposite case, placing a number for each toy. What will matter is the amount of toys, if not, the numbers to count and order.

There are other tools that can be used as puzzles or riddles, which can be equally useful, but the use of handicrafts is quite effective, games and routines can be made with that we will achieve the goal of teaching the order of numbers to our children.

Educating yourself is an intelligent signal.


Awesome post! Learning is something which should really be natural and easy for children.

It's like that, friend, thanks for your time

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I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.


Thank you, what a joy to invite me, I hope I will contribute to the community

Awesome post @gene20

Friend how have you been? I like to know about you, I have had some difficulties with the connection but here I am again, greetings God bless you.