

I need it Sir!!!

Hi sir. I hope i will have one :)

Need ittttt

present..... me please

I suppose I missed it. That's the last time I take the kiddos out to dinner.
Just kidding of course. I think.

Me please ❤️

Wahhh thankyousomuch @minnowbootcamp. 😍


My auto vote was likely one of the first ones! 😀

"E" for EFFORT!!!


Reporting for duty SIR!

Dang, been drinkin instead of steemin.....

too bad I'm late haha

Members only, Ma'am... But I appreciate you stopping by! I will bump your post up and use it as my sign board:


Thanks for Visiting!

How do i get in???

find another post with an invite link... but you have to convince @eagle spirit you deserve it too ;)

Thank you

Finding us in Discord will get your application looked at... :D

am I​ late?​

Too Early, you are not yet a Member! :P

Done sir! Happy to give it for the group as well. :)

you have not submitted autovoter screenshots yet, son... :(

me! PLease

members only, son...

How about me sir?

I hope you join us, but I am almost out of votes for this evening... Gotta save them for the members, sorry :(

No worries I just try :) seeing your comment in my post feels me great. You commented in my post

Thanks for that

Well, we are running out of spots, but I am personally inviting you to join. If you search out a link and find us, you will get in. I really liked that post!

Would yku lls bell me i need it.

Haha..late as usual. Sorry!

yeah upvote number 100 is that means 100% for me :P

Sorry again, I'm finding it difficult to make some time to do anything. I'm even sacrificing my sleep to do accomplish anything on line.

You're so generous MBC. Great job :D

Anj x