Educate the kids with fabels

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

Childhood is a time when a human has occupied a phase in life to be an intelligent person. Just imagine, it turns out that a child has been able to master a grammatical system of language that he only understands by observing a conversation around him. The child is also able to identify where the word has the function of the subject, object, predicate, and also the description of time. He also knows by itself, that nouns, properties, work is a word different from each other. and many more miracles of a capable child to quickly learn and understand everything.

Educate children with fables.

Below is a fable story I have written for them. Hopefully, the moral value contained in the story is also useful for us who have grown up.

A crocodile lies a monkey

A monkey has long been a friendship with a crocodile. One day the crocodile took the monkey to the crocodile village in the middle of the sea to meet the crocodile king who was sick. The monkey mounted the crocodile's back, then the crocodile began swimming to his village. Three hours later they had arrived at the crocodile village. The crocodile took him to his sick king.
"King, I have brought this monkey to you," crocodile told the king. The king ordered some of his men to hold the monkey. The monkey became confused, "why did the king command the soldiers to hold me like this?" Asked the monkey.
"Hahahahhaha," crocodile king laughs, "oh dumb monkey, don,t know that by eating your heart I will heal."
"So you will kill me?" Asked the monkey with a frightened face.
"Yes, by eating your heart I will heal," replied the king.
The monkey looked at the crocodile's whisk that brought him here, then he said: "my friend , why are you doing this to me, whereas I think of you as my brother?" Asked the monkey.
"You stupid monkey," said the crocodile who brought him here, "I'm doing this for my king's healing."
The monkey became very sad and disappointed to have been lied to by his friend. When two crocodile warriors took him for surgery to get his heart out, suddenly an idea emerged from inside the monkey's head.
"Hahahahahah," the monkey laughed. All of crocodiles are surprised to see the monkey laugh.
"Why are you laughing stupid monkey?" Asked the crocodile king.
"Because I did not carry my heart with me, I have already stored my heart in the tree in my village," replied the monkey.
The crocodile king looks a little sad "is that right?" He asked the monkey.
"Right, king," replied the monkey firmly.
"If you want to drive me back to the land, I will give my heart to your king," said the monkey to the crocodile warrior.
Finally, the king ordered the crocodile who brought the monkey here to take him home so he could take his heart.
The monkey went back on the crocodile's back and they started the journey home.
"Forgive me my best friend," said the crocodile, "I have lied to you, I am forced to do this for my king.
"It's okay," said the monkey, "but next time you can not lie to me like this again."
Three hours later when they had reached the land, the monkey went down from the crocodile's back.
"I'll wait here," crocodile said.
"Hahahahah," the monkey laughed.
"Why are you laughing my friend?" Asked the crocodile.
"You stupid crocodile, you're making a fool of me, now I'm also making a fool of you. My heart is in my chest, "replied the monkey. The crocodile gets annoyed for being cheated by the monkey and the monkey up a tree, then he jumps into another tree. "


Why is it spelt Fabels... ??

I don't know..


Thank you so much, Mr. Hubbi..