The Steemit Name Challenge - My Entry

After my April Fool's Joke caused some extreme reactions, the name challenge @josediccus nominated me for might just be what's needed, even though I won't be able to reveal everything.

Here we go with the rules:

  • Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

So, let's do this!

  1. My current Steemit username has quite a story, but a boring one behind it. I'm a huge fan of Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" novels, and one of the characters I absolutely adore is named "Susan Sto Helit". This, of course, is way too long as a username, so I shortened it to "Sue" for a while. but "Sue" tends to be taken. As someone who has been playing a lot of MMORPGs (who am I fooling. I played WoW.) growing up, I had some "naming rules" when a name wasn't available. Just add "-sa", "-se", "-ia" "-ana" until the name is available.

So, for a while, I've been using "Suesa", and that was exactly the time during which I joined Steemit. Despite its origin, I don't pronounce it "Sue-sa" but more like "Suh-eh-sah".

  1. Nope, not telling you my real name, sorry. My first name - last name combination is so unique, that I'm the only result for the first 5 pages of google.

  2. Change my current username? But I've build a brand, I can't change it!
    Seriously, I'm horrible with names. You might not expect this from a writer, but coming up with names is one of the things I hate most. Suesa is short, easy to remember and looks nice. I like it.

  3. Adds the tag

  4. I nominate @reggaemuffin , @lemony-cricket , @bachuslib , @apsu and @kex !

My deed here is done.

By rawpixel on


I love how nobody is nominating me for this one, cause like, it's my name, yo.

You're now a honorary nomination

haha...yeh like I put my first name and last name together..and voilà username :)

I will do it tonight...

I knew you were a huge Pratchett fan too, but I didn't realize suesa was a Susan Sto Helit reference, that's awesome!

Well, it's not that obvious. Susan Sto Helit has always been my absolute favorite, and it's hard to pick favorites in these novels!

I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite, but Susan is up there with Vimes for me!

Amazing! Aye who doesn't know about WoW and guess where my username comes from too? :) haha
Oh those gaming days, can I join as well? :D

Sure, I hereby nominate you

Challenge accepted! :)

Hell yeah, I've heard that story in audio version!

Live and in color

Hey @suesa. I meant to be signing off, but I wanted to use up a bit of my VP first because I've been letting it go to waste. Then I saw your nomination. It'll be my honour to fulfill the calling, but I'll do it tomorrow.

Also, I guess I've been pronouncing your name wrong. "Sooza." I probably won't change it now though. It's too established.

Can't teach an old dog new tricks :P

I actually read your name as "Suh-eh-sah" from the start!!
"Sue-sa" just never seemed right to me and I see I was correct :P

Terry Pratchet was one of my absolute favorite authors. Especially his discworld novels. Though I haven't been able to finish his last discworld book. Reading it (or trying to) and realizing he's gone makes me a bit sad and I have to put it down.

Hah, when I played WoW I had a similar problem with names, so I came up with a scheme for generating palindromes and just used that. I'd mix some consonants and vowels and then just reverse the pattern. Sylys, Elaisiale, etc, works surprisingly well for elf-sounding names.

And, for the record, I thought your April fool's joke was brilliant.

Edit: BTW, I always hear your user name in my head as I imagined it would be pronounced by the Lizardmen in Ultima Online. I tried to find an audio link with an example, but it only turned up nostalgia. Basically as you approached an encampment, even before you saw them on the screen, you'd hear their sound effects and some of them made utterances that sounded like how your user name might be read.

I haven't even bought the book yet, couldn't bring it over myself ...

So you've been one of those with sensible names, good to hear! :P

Now I'm curious about that soundfile

That good how can I play this. Am intreasted



This was the best answer ever. You gave me a good laugh :)

my real name is satria saputra, @kenkaneki steemit account name

that's interesting👌

She cherishes anonymity 😁....That's good to know. I doubt if a lot of people would like this tell-tale challenge though. People seem overly cautious and way too private on steemit. Whether that is good or bad, I guess it is a matter of opinion. Thanks for NOT sharing @suesa .....Lolz
Meanwhile, 'Suesa' is uniquely coined too. Actually thought it was a German name. Now I know it is just a fancy and cheeky tweaking of names.

happy night @ suesa, then I tell you, in my name at the time of entering steemit was rejected for several opportunities because other people owned it, (it was nothing original), so that I combined the name of my mother and mine and gave as a result @glorieth, was accepted immediately and makes a difference because there is no other similar, that is called thinking big (laughs), a great greeting from Eastern lands.

I was pronouncing your username in the way you do. How funny is that?

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