Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #63 - Pancake Breakfast Sandwich

in #steemitsandwichcontest6 years ago (edited)

Is it just me or has the silly season started a little early?

The stores already have Christmas gifts on display even though it feels like the year has only just begun! Time certainly has run away with all of us I think!

Monday's here again and still no sandwich/manwich for our favourite man @jaybird's Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #63.

The young student who currently is staying in our BnB went home up country for the weekend, had to leave home in the dead of night to make college in time and I just knew when he gets back from college he would be ravenous, and I was not wrong!

I made him a Pancake Breakfast Sandwich oozing with melted Cheddar Cheese, smoked Chicken, Mushrooms and Scrambled Eggs and a sprinkling of Spring Onions from my garden.


You call it Crepes in your country


  • Crepes made with Eggs, self raising Flour, Salt & water (no milk) - plus my secret ingredient - a small glug of Sherry
  • Cheddar Cheese - grated
  • Smoked Chicken - sliced thinly
  • 2 Eggs - scrambled
  • Mushrooms
  • Spring Onions - diced



First layer to go on pancake - Cheese

Secondly - Smoked Chicken, Scrambled Eggs & Spring Onions

Mushrooms next and then another generous sprinkling of Cheese

Make a neat parcel with pancake by folding ends in

Place back into pan with open side down first - cheese will melt and hold it all together nicely

Filling safely tucked inside pancake sandwich & edges sealed nicely
Cook the other side again to melt cheese

Cut in half to reveal delicious filling, enjoy!

As always a quick look at the pancake sandwich making

And don't forget, next time you make a sandwich, take some pics, make a validation sign, check out @jaybird's Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #63. and show us your sandwiches.

Original Content by @lizelle
Thank you for stopping by
Comments, upvotes & resteems all much appreciated :)
Copyright @lizelle - All Rights Reserved

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone

Steem Kitchen.gif


Delicious pancake, really i miss it but your food recipe is highly appreciable.

Thank you @msena, appreciate your feedback :)

I can see all sorts of ways this sandwich could be experimented with in the right hands (ie: @enchantedspirit's.) Different meats, different cheeses, maybe tortillas instead of pancakes. But first as writ.

I did not see what happened to the sherry. Did that go in the sandwich or the chef? Forgive me, I see it went in the pancakes. I think a glug should go to the chef too.

Trust me, I'm a hungry doctor.


Haha @catweasel, you are so funny :):)
I hope @enchantedspirit took note of your comments! I'm sure her tortillas are great, that's something I still have to attempt. As for the sherry in the mixture, it's just an excuse so the chef can have a glass or two ;);)
But seriously, a tot of brandy also adds a little zing to the mixture, it's good in waffle mix as well as crumpets.
Thank you for the chuckle!

FOR TSE: Oh, I can see all kinds of things to do with this. First I'll try her crepes recipe -- and if it's half as good as the rest of her stuff ... you could be in for a treat. (Or two ... or three ... or more than a dozen. Personally I love crepes!!)

You're so right @enchantedspirit, you can put anything in this! Thank you for your lovely comments, with a filling like this you won't have room for too many! Your man @catweasel has a wicked sense of humour ;);)

It was one of the things that attracted me to him ... in the beginning -- and one of the reasons I haven't thrown him out ... yet. It's hard to tell someone to hit the road while you're laughing ... and sound like you mean it. <3

Hello my friend how are you? I like pancakes I was thinking of one a few days ago I like to add a lot of cheese

And I think it's almost time for Christmas time is happening very fast

Hey @yesslife, it's quite unreal that Christmas is almost here!
My hubby loves them with just cheese, I enjoy having it with sugar & cinnamon, absolutely yummy;)
Thanks for your support!

Wow, your guests are extremely well treated at your BnB! Lucky them. If I am ever in South Africa I know where to go ;)

Ah thank you @gardeningchef, you'd be most welcome :)

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Thank you very much for featuring my sandwich:)

@lizelle Wow! I have never tried a drunk Pancake before. Maybe a huge glug in the pancake and the rest of the bottle for the consumer in order to be on equal terms? Lol. A great recipe it is indeed! Congrats!

Haha @papilloncharity, a drunk pancake sounds so funny but the sherry really makes the lightest pancake yet, brandy or a sweet fortified wine as well, or perhaps it's the chef who's a bit light headed after having a glug or more ;);)
Thank you for your support!

Hi lizelle,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you so very much @curie, you've really made my day! It's so encouraging when one's post is recognised, you guys rock!

Love the Glug of Sherry. I will have to try that one. Will have to borrow some as I dont really keep sherry but im sure it will be worth the effort .

Thank you @steemkitchen! Brandy is even better or any fortified dessert wine as well ;)

I don’t know what i like better, the smoked chicken ir the sherry add lol.

Awesome piece, looks so action packed!
Love the ol flip and grill to make sure the cheese gets melted too!

Great pres, nice entry!

Thank you so much for the contest @jaybird, was an excuse to get the bottle of sherry LOL ;);)
No seriously, really appreciate your awesome feedback and still hosting the contest when many sandwiteers went awol!
Glad to see some old ones back and some newbies :)

Really appealing!!

Thank you :)

I am not the hugest fan of savoury pancakes but I'm definitely making pancakes tomorrow! I am so hungry now - well done!

Ah thank you @wildwanderer, these were very filling, must confess I still prefer having them with sugar and cinnamon :)

That's some cheesy sandwich😋. I want some..... Lol! The fun part is it looks so easy to put together...

Yeah, the time has passes by too quickly and before we know, it will be 2019😀. You had better start preparing for Christmas before it passes you by just as time did (well, I am sure that won't happen)😊

So true hey, I always leave things to the last minute but time has certainly flown!
It was real easy putting this one together, thanks for your feedback @audreybits :)

Yeah, it has...😊

You're welcome!

Ohh yes for sure silly season here as well, stores have Halloween thanksgiving and Christmas decorations on display

this looks so good as well

It's quite unreal hey, time is a precious thing!
Thank you for your support @tattoodjay, much appreciated :)

What a way to start the day. The smoked chicken really adds extra flavor to the mushrooms and cheese. Wish I could eat one now @lizelle.

Thank you @loveself, it was a nice combo, very filling though, but we really enjoyed it and so did our student :)

May I come to your house for breakfast? hehe, this looks scrumptious @lizelle, I think I'll have to make this for my family while they are visiting, great idea and beautiful as always my friend!

You should @birdsinparadise, you can use any filling, I'm sure with all your ideas you'd come up with something really special. It's very filling so one can feed a lot of people with only a couple of pancakes :)
Thank you for your lovely feedback!

That looks SO yummy! I sometimes make something like this the night before, if I'm getting up at a silly hour to climb mountains. I fry up an omelette and add mushrooms, spring onions and a bit of cheese. But I just use a couple of slices of bread - the pancake is a great idea to make it easier to bite into. Especially with a glug of sherry!

Haha @natubat but please don't have the sherry just before climbing that mountain now!
Thank you for your lovely feedback always :)

Haha! Yes, I'll save that for when I get down.

This looks absolutely delicious @lizelle :D
Finally something to add to my options on breakfast.
I'm already excited to know what it tastes like.

Ah thank you @adamada, hope you enjoy it:)

Looks really tasty! I was just thinking my wife made pancakes this weekend and they were way thicker than that. Then I saw the comment about them being crepes. That makes total sense! Very nice!

Thank you @bozz, yep our pancakes are more like crepes, and what you call pancakes we call crumpets or flapjacks ;) Strange how we all have our own terminology!

Never tried this style of pancake, made similar using mutzo as a base with quick melt in oven @lizelle mutzo makes it nice a crispy similar to thin based pizza.

That sounds great @joanstewart, is it the matzo crackers you're talking about, I love them but never thought of doing that!
Thank you for your feedback and support :)

what an amazing dish. It was a very easy reading to do. the photos perfectly indicate the complete process... I could not help imagining doing it with other types of fillers. Maybe with pork, beef... a very useful idea to prepare a complete and different food.

Thank you @wisejg, yes you can use a multitude of fillings, it's even nice with sweet fillings like spicy stewed apples, my absolute favourite :)

If you get rid of the onion and mushroom from it I would be all over that. It looks like a savage breakfast wrap. It's always nice to get something hot and filling in for the day.

Thank you for your feedback @niallon11!

That sandwich look very unusual, I like how you combined the ingredients, and the idea to fill the pancake with cheese and then to fry the other side. I love melt cheese and usually I put my sandwiches with cheese in microwave but never thoughts to do such combination with cheese. I believe there will be many fans of your recipe.

Thank you so much @stef1, the melted cheese held everything together, I also love melted cheese ;)

Its great 😃

wow! Lizelle, this looks amazing. Your student is a lucky guy xxx

Thank you so much @princessmewmew xxx

That looks so amazing! 😋 We very much enjoyed having you on @crazybgadventure's show a while ago! I hope you visit the SteemitRamble server again soon! There is a show of some sort on every weekday! 🙂

Ah thank you @thekittygirl, it was great seeing you there but I was really rambling on at times, not always answering Crazy's questions, just like the politicians ;);) but Crazy was very kind putting me at ease!
Will check in there when I can, thank you for the warm welcome :)

This looks amazing! and great timing for daughter gave me a nice new crepe pan. Thanks for always making me hungry.

LOL wish I could serve virtual food across the net, but that would make you even more hungry not so ;)
Enjoy your new pan!
Thank you for your lovely feedback @artemisnorth.

I don't know how this one slipped by me but it did, congrats on the Curie upVote. Your recipes and documentation of the processes are excellent and very deserving of this and many more, keep it up Lizelle.

Thank you mr Papper!

Yummmyyy! I love crepes and mushroom and cheese and eggs! And this looks easy to make. Though I think I'll need to master the art of making crepes first. Thank you for sharing with us the recipe @lizelle!

Thank you @marblely, it's really easy but remember the first one often flops so just keep on trying ;)

Thank you @lizelle. I will remember your advice to keep trying :) Is there a ratio of eggs, self raising flour, salt & water that you follow?

Hey @marblely,
Basically I use 1 of everything:
1 cup water 1 egg 1 cup self- raising flour plus a good dash of Salt (a tot of sherry if you have otherwise lemon juice), most times I add a little extra water as it should not be too thick. Good luck!
I did a post on the process a long while ago if you'd like to check it out:

Oo thank you @lizelle! I will try the recipe. Aaaahhh the pancakes loook sooo good! :)

howdy from Texas lizelle! Now THAT"S some breakfast food that will fill you up and stick with you for a few hours! Great job, it really looks wonderful.
It this one of your specialties? Because it looks like it could be, it looks better than any restaurant breakfast sandwich.

Thank you for your lovely feedback @janton, I regularly make sandwiches but rarely just with 2 slices of bread! Enjoy making...and eating... pancakes, this one was great for breakfast:)

and you're so good at it, your family is very lucky!

It looks delicious and the most important thing for me is that it has a lot of cheese, hahahaha. Great, congratulations, respect Lizelle.