Steemit Talent Contest - Week 2 - Post your Video performing and win STEEM!!!

in #steemittalentcontest6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Week 2 of Steemit Talent Contest!


The idea behind Steemit Talent Contest is to create a community of Talented people here on Steemit and help people with exceptional talents get themselves out there and seen without having to go to extremes like entering X Factor! If you do well on here then by all means you have what it takes to enter Americas Got Talent or Britains Got Talent or whatever country you are from. This platform is universal so think of this like your World Has Talent contest! Lets see what you got! 😉


I'd like to thank everyone who entered the contest last week and got the ball rolling. It was a real pleasure watching all of your videos and getting to know you guys! If you missed last week heres the final entries post. The winner will be announced on Monday.

Steemit Talent Contest Rules

The cutoff date for entries is Friday the 26th of January
Each week the contest starts on Sunday and ends on Friday. 

• Only 1 entry per person per week
• Steemit Talent Contest Week 2 must the beginning of the post title.
• Steemit Talent Contest Week 2 must be said at the beginning of your video
• Live performances only specifically made for this contest.
• steemittalentcontest must be the first tag
• Add a link to your post in the comments of this contest post.
• You must Upvote & Re-Steem this post.

Entries must follow these rules to earn prizes. 30STEEM up for grabs! This will be broken down as follows:

The winner of the contest will be announced on Monday and receive 10 STEEM.

BONUS!! The most original act that is not singing or playing an instrument will receive 10 STEEM! & best child performance (under 16yrs) will receive 10 STEEM!

**Prizes now in STEEM not SBD

This is to encourage more diversity in the contest. I'd love to see some entries of talented kids. Just make sure they are your own! 😂 Remember entries must be original live performances made specifically for this contest.

What qualifies as a talent?

Singing, Dancing, Playing a musical instrument, Acrobatics, Skating, Magician, Ventriloquist, Acting, Martial Arts, Comedy Act, Beat-Boxing, Shadow dancing and many more!

Im looking forward to receiving your entries this week! Your host @donnaincancun





Your performances are jaw dropping every time. I love the percussive parts! So awesome :)

SO awesome

I love evanescence!!! Shame the video quality was poor. I think the judges would have scored you higher with a better video. Hope you enter for week #4 @gabrielamenesesg

Oops accidentally used the 'gottalent' tag! Hopefully this still counts for this week :)

For this week I'm sharing my verse from an original collaborative song named, "Stay in the Light".

Hi there. The tag has now changed to steemittalentcontest. Don't worry your entry is still accepted for this week but please use the new tag on all future posts.

Awesome thanks Donna! Will do!

Man, it's great to hear you with backing tracks! Digging your flow Bryan, looking forward to hearing more :)

Thanks bro I appreciate that!

Hi there @etemi. Just to let you know the tag has been changed from this week to steemittalentcontest. I am no longer using the gottalent tag. Ill accept your entry this week. No worries.

Oh wow. Really? Thanks maam. Wasnt aware of the changes

Yeah loved this... already gushed about it in my comment so that's all I'll say here, except you definitely have a fan. All the best @etemi :)

Hey, this is my entry video for Steemit Talent Contest Week 2. Hope you guys will like it!

Wow that's an amazing higher register you've got there! Love the soft, rhythmic flow of this, it's got a sweet bossa nova feel to it. Nice performance!

Awesome back and forth, love the dual voices! You guys sound great:)

I literally woke up last night with this song playing in my head and I couldn't get rid of it! Missed your entry this week guys 😔

awesome! jajaja , well this week I lost it because I had problems with the internet signal, I really did not want to miss any week :( I'll try to be in this one. @donnaincancun
Hi hello, I am happy to participate in this contest, I hope to be lucky.

Que linda excelente voz

Beautiful voice :)

Hi folks, here my first entry for the steemit talent contest, i hope that you enjoy.

Excelente voz espero sigas subiendo mas videos

Claro amigo, siempre subimos videos. Gracias por tu apoyo

Amazing soulful voice and performance! You guys sound great :)

Wow that's an amazing higher register you've got there! Love the soft, rhythmic flow of this, it's got a sweet bossa nova feel to it. Nice performance!

I couldn't enter the 1st week but I'll compete in this for sure!
Thanks for the awesome contest!

Your welcome! I look forward to receiving your entry!

Hello everyone! Really excited for this contest :)

This is a song I've posted on Steemit before, but after a substantial rewrite I like the lyrics and arrangement waaaay better. It finally sounds like a real song. I decided to record it with multiple backing vocals and enter it here. Hope you like it!

Here is my entry.
But I forgot to say the title at the start of my video.
I hope I won't be disqualified.

Not a problem 😉

Oops, I made a mistake.
This is my entry
I'm so sorry about that.

Gymnastics are so amazing to watch, I wish I could move with that kind of fluidity! Awesome performance.

Aww, thanks :D

Great idea about encouraging diversity! Now where are those juggling balls.....

Hahaha!! Still loving your entry from last week! That one cracked me up! 😂 Theme song perhaps??

I entered for last week 1, you missed my posts maam..
That was my entry please kindly look at it

My apologies @etemi you forgot to post a link to your post in the comments on the original post. Ive found you now! Fantastic voice! I'll amend the entries post now to include you.

Alright thanks noted

Hi @donnaincancun! Thanks for hosting this cool contest :)

Does the Friday deadline mean we can still enter on Friday, or do I need to post today?

Hi there! You can still enter on Friday till midnight EST.

Yay!!! Will do :)

I can post tomorrow morning if it's not too late?