Greetings from@deeambuiltandachi. I sincerely appreciate @dobartim for this great opportunity. I do not just see this as a contest but a challenge to encourage someone out there with the story of my life: how I went from good to bad and now getting back to good, if not better.

I read of this competition when @emmakwisequote made his entry submission on the 13th of February, 2018. So, if you have not heard about this completion and wish to know more as well as participate, use this link to get all the information you need:

I heard of steemit from @emmakwisequote in the month of January, 2018. But before then, here is what you need to know about my state of mind before I joined steemit.

My name is Albert Martins Ojo. I was born in Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria. The first child of four. Was born and grew up without “a silver spoon” in my mouth. I remember a picture on the wall of our apartment. It is the picture of my first celebrated birthday where my cake was made of jollof rice. Smiles.
My first birthday celebration

My parents did all they could possibly do to ensure that myself and my siblings get the best of education and other provisions of life they could afford. However, my education saw a huge delay after my secondary school, could not secure admission for five whole years and eventually got admitted to Osun State Polytechnic, Iree in the year 2010 where I had my National Diploma in Mass Communication.
Source: Google

While I was studying in the polytechnic, money to pay for study materials and tuition fee became a challenge. My dad is a retired railway worker while mum is a primary school teacher. I was sent out of examination hall on so many occasions due to non payment of tuition fee.

My financial breakthrough started when I got assistance from a few friends to open a shop where I rendered computer service to students. I was typing documents, making designs and making project research for students. I found joy doing it since it included using my writing skill and I got rewarded for it financially.
In my office

I did not only use the proceed from this business to continue and finish my National Diploma education but also contributed to the fund needed by my siblings (Rebecca and Paul) to finish their education. As a matter of undeniable fact, Paul lived with me all through his days as a student of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree.
Paul my younger brother

I further used my income to feed students, paid for tuition fees of students who were in serious financial crises, gave out accommodation and eventually expanded my business into pig farming. I was living well and saw a good future.

My downfall came when I took an uncalculated risk. I blindly followed my zeal for adventure and new challenges and closed down my businesses as well as placed a hold on my university education with National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). Everything came crashing down on me like the “wall of Jericho”. I swam in shame and penury. People who I considered as friends abandoned me. All those who used to be around me suddenly disappeared into thin air. No one was ready and willing to help. Hmmmmm! It was a bitter experience. The years 2016 and 2017 are years of beyond painful memories.

I lost my accommodation and started living from one available home to the other. Mr. Olaide accommodated me for some months after which I moved to Ibadan for job placement and slept in the garage for a few nights after which my parents had to source for loan to get accommodation. I finally got a room apartment in Ibadan and that was when I met with @emmakwisequote.

I must also mention the efforts of my fiancé, Babarinde Opeoluwa Victoria who stood by me and supplied me with garri and kulikuli amongst many other things.

Myself and @emmakwisequote shared a lot of business ideas, future plans and biblical revelations together. I remember a point in time when he blessed me with spaghetti. God bless him.
I entered into 2018 with lots of hope and expectations but did not the exact way things will change for good or who I will meet that will give me a platform to make use of my potentials and passion even as I get rewarded for it.

The expected change showed up in the month of January, 2018 when @emmakwisequote told me of steemit, I remember he encouraged me and told me to bring my writing skills into steemit. He told me of how I will meet thousands of existing users of Steemit. That was what I needed. I registered and my account was approved. I got some hint from @emmakwisequote on things to do as a newbie.

My activities on Steemit came to a standstill when I could not afford money for internet connection. I thought of a way out and joined with a neighbour who is into car wash service right here in Ilorin. This neighbour of mine is now a registered user of Steemit and is known as @c-mon.
Waiting for cars to come

I resumed my activity on Steemit in the month of February and started following people whose write-ups thrilled, challenged and impacted me. People like @Sirknight, @owoblow-steemit, @abiye, @steemchurch, @damarth, @adsactly, @emmakwisequote, @jaff8, @elgringo79, @alexandravart and many others. I also met a number of followers.

I recently cashed out N2,000 (1.896 sbd) as my first financial reward from Steemit. I repaired my phone with part of the money, paid for internet connection, sent call voucher to my parents and bought myself some fruits. My parents were so happy and blessed me with words of prayers. I was full of joy. This happened on Monday the 12th of January, 2018.

I have had to stop the car wash service due to stress and body weakness. Decided to divert that energy into developing my writing skills and writing good contents even as I create and maintain mutual understanding with Steemians.

Steemit has improved my life by giving me a platform to build, develop and fully maximize my writing skills. Steemit has given me a platform to get rewarded for engaging my passion. Steemit has given me a platform to get impacted and impact lives with my skill. Steemit has given me a platform where I can work comfortably and not get sick doing it. Steemit has opened me to a wide range of opportunities.

I hope this lengthy but true story of years put into few words will encourage someone who reads this. Do not quit and do not keep quiet about your passion.

I remain yours truly