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RE: Hire 3 Steem Developers to Build USD/Steem Exchange?

in #steemj6 years ago

It is a very good idea Jerry.

I think the process is:

  • Create a new account called @localsteemit
  • The users that want to sell or buy make a new post with the specifications and uses the tag "localsteemit" in order to be filtered in the web (I think it is better to use the blockchain itself in all process).
  • The seller sends the money to @localsteemit which takes that in scrow.
  • Finally @localsteemit sends the money to the buyer when the seller receives the usd and unlocks the scrow.
  • We need some arbitration to solve conflicts. And the conversation are inside of a comment.

Someone has more ideas about the process?


Brilliant suggestion ! I agree with you; But like jerry said above it should be implemented in such a way that irrespective of where you are, you can quickly exchange Steem with your country's local currency with ease. Example , I am a Nigerian, I should be happiest if with a click of few buttons , I exchange my Steem to Naira (NGN) , not USD or EUR, etc.

This will definitely empower a massive community of new Steemians from all over the world.

Yes you are right... I mean, the seller unlocks when he receives the fiat ☺
Thanks for clarifying