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RE: Hire 3 Steem Developers to Build USD/Steem Exchange?

in #steemj6 years ago

@jerrybanfield This sounds like a good plan! Given that media token comes out soon. I'm definitely not techie at all, but truly appreciate all the behind the scenes back bone work by you and the rest of the witnesses. I'm doing my part by spreading the word of Steemit! Hoping to arrange a meetup on this side of the country to give this awesome community more exposure! You're definitely a motivator!! In regards to the app SteemJ will they'll be fees ? a flat rate? Best wishes to you always!


With the witness rewards to fund development, we should indefinitely be able to run the platform with no fees at all to users! Thank you for helping us grow our community by spreading the word on your side of the country!

Hoping to go full time Steemers....soon !! :)

@jerrybanfield I would like to nominate to the 7day BW photo challenge...Are you up for it?