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RE: (Financial) Breakups are Not Great...

in #steemleo4 years ago

I have experienced similar kneejerk reactions to stolen cards being charged to the limit and droppping my credit score, then card companies jacking up my rates and lowering my credit limits. As you probably know, having your limits lowered increases the percentage of credit used, which in turn lowers your credit score. I was able to break out of this self perpetuating cycle, but it was frustrating and left me feeling like their was no bank customer loyalty left in the world. So I move my balances at the slightest discount and bigger and better deal. I keep the cards to lower my percentage credit used and to count towards paid on time accounts.

Good Luck


That is exactly why it has been so frustrating at this point. Luckily, I am slowly finding myself without the need for short term credit so I hope to one day completely break free with no debt and savings to handle emergencies and expenditures. It is still a little nerve-wracking given the circumstances we are all currently in to have this happen. Definitely will look to use them to my advantage going forward.