Day Two Three And Four Daily Quest

Day two of questing I had to win five matches with the life splinter. This didn't take to long and I was able to complete this quest in ten matches. After completing the matches my end of the day rating was 1494.

The third day of questing I had to compete with the earth splinter. This took me nine matches to complete and I ended the day with a rating of 1620. I also earned enough rating points to move up one division league and I'm now in the Silver League one.

On my fourth day of battles I needed to win with the fire splinter. After eleven matches I was able to complete my daily quest. The end rating after all the battles was 1687.

So far I've been able to play all my daily quest and have been moving up the ratings fairly nicely.

the above card is called the Kobold Miner and is found in the fire splinter. This guy has the sneak ability and can attack your opponents last card. The nice part about using this card is that the fire splinter gives a boost to melee attack so this guy will hit one more melee hit higher.