[Steemmonsters Giveaway] Legendary Dragons (Gold, Chromatic) + Bonus Goldfolio cards

in #steemmonsters5 years ago (edited)

I am giving away 5 Steem monsters cards, this week.

Gold DragonChromatic DragonPirate Captain (x3)
Legendary. 958 in existance.Legendary. 1045 in existance.Goldfolio. 3 pieces. 891 in existance.


  • Claim your ticket in the post by commenting anything. (Example comment: +1)
  • Your Steem account's reputation must be at least 40.

Participation bonus

If you had voted for my witness already, you will get a double chance (x2) with your participation. If you didn't do it yet, you can still vote for my witness and get the bonus ticket before the raffle results announced.

Deciding the winners

After the post pays out (1 week) I will select the winners randomly from the commenters. I will share the python script later on.

Good luck!

There are 4 pages

I'm in again :)

Magic Dice has rewarded your post with a 49% upvote. Thanks for playing Magic Dice.

@magicdice is a scam that used an insider who farmed the vast majority of their MAGIC Tokens via an insider deal and reaps over 25% of the daily dividends due to this deal. They are not to be trusted.

Already votes for your witness. Great work on Hivemind

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you and good luck on the raffle! :-)


That is awesome
I'm in =)

Posted using Partiko Android

good luck!

I hope I get it. because now I really need money.

Epic giveaway, I'm counting myself out because I am sure there are more deserving people who could win and enjoy these - but it's the perfect way to keep our active members engaged.

Thanks to @enginewitty for pinging me in the comments, I am going to share this post about as much as I can so more people can enter.

#thealliance #witness

I achieved a reputation of 40! I'm in:)


Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for using @sleepagent bid bot serves.
This post has received a 40 % upvote from @sleepagent.

Vote for your witness!

Hi! I vote for your witnesses! I`m in.

Hello, vote for your witness! My reputation is still below 40, but by the time of the your post pays out, I will try to raise it to 40!

Already votes for your witness.

Dragons kick ass.
Figure I would call a few people, see if they want to enter😎

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the call, Witty!


me too thanks


Hell yes I'm in for the chance of collection one of these, cheers man!

cheers mate!

$rewarding 11min 75%
I'm also in :).

The reward of this comment goes 100 % to the author emrebeyler. This is done by setting the beneficiaries of this comment to 100 %.

Nice, have an humble upvote from me then :D

Oh, my old rewarding script has been activated after a server reboot. Sorry (but not so harmfull, the beneficiaries are correctly set)

Your deck is already perfect! :P

Wow! Thanks for the opportunity! Good luck everyone

Posted using Partiko Android


🎁 Dear @keks,

SteemBet Seed round SPT sale is about to start in 2 days!

When our started the development of SteemBet Dice game, we couldn’t imagine that our game would go so viral and that SteemBet would become one of the pioneers in this field.

In order to give back to our beloved community, we’ll distribute 4000 STEEM to SPT holders immediately after Seed sale. Plus, investors in this earliest round will be given 60% more tokens as reward and overall Return on Investment is estimated at 300%!

Join the whitelist on SteemBet webiste now and start investing! Feel free to ask us anything on Discord https://discord.gg/tNWJEAD


thanks for sending me a wallet message... its a good thing you are doing for the community! :)

Wow... nice give away..

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice! 🙏🙏🙏

Count me in +100

O. Wow. What a great one again

Thank you for hosting this amazing contest. I am participating, so let's say: +1

Yeah! Double chance ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

So, contest comment can be anything? I shamelessly +1 my latest dPoll:

How Important Will University Education Be in 20 Years?

First take i will take part in this uveAway, wish me good Luck emre :)!

Thanks for the GiveAway to win something worth and special!

all the best

Good luck rivalzzz, good to see you're participating.

I'm in

Posted using Partiko Android

Count me in! ;)

Wow! Beautiful letters

ty for the invite @emrebeyler. Already here ♥
Hope we win something.

It would be great to win some dragon as I don't really have any.

Posted using Partiko Android

anything 😁


Wow! This is huge!

I'm in and glad to vote for you as witness :)

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