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RE: Steem Monsters Raffle Time! Lord Of Darkness Legendary!!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Haha great contest @crystalhuman , I really need to build up my monster cards before the tournaments start check out my comment on your newest contest where I am hoping to enter on Saturday to win those awesome Gold Monster Cards ! Woot! Im Sooooo addicted!👾👺👹👍
I will Be able to buy 2 tickets though for this one! sending the money now! thanks and good luck everyone!👺👾👹upped and resteemed!


Thanks again @karenmckersie! :)


Here's one more for your collection :D (I really love this one in particular)

Haha me too! thanks a bunch I just finished opening and commenting on the other contest lol! Its awesome!👾👺👹👍✌💕

Happy to see so many people enjoying my raffles and giveaways :) Thanks for participating :D

My first time participating and I am having so much fun entering as many contests as possible since joining the Monsters 7 days ago! Lol!💕👍👹😂

It's pretty addictive isn't it? lol

Haha ! totally! just wishing now for more steem to get more cards lol!😂😂😂✌