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RE: Steem Monster Card Giveway (1UP Fundraiser) - Post for Beta GF Naga Warrior + Alpha GF Haunted Spirit + 4x BONUS cards + 25x BOOSTER PACK for about $130!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Wonderful! Thank you for contributing. You just need to register there and then you can use the link tab - put in the steemit-link (title is automatically recognized by reddit, if not copy&paste) - post, that's all, done in 10 s. Thanks to @oliverschmid who provided the golden Naga!


Just got it to work under my old business account. I never added a link there before. Was super easy as you said. Thanks.

Cool, cannot see the link here, wanna add it?

I don't know what link you mean. The article link is above. Do you mean some other?

I missed your reddit link because i thought you linked it on reddit too. If yes, please post the link here below, thanks!

How weird that it seems no one is seeing it. You don't see it in the channel, huh? Here it is directly, but too bad it doesn't seem to be getting noticed just browsing:

perfect, i add you to the draw for reddit!