
Thanks. This would be great but unfortunately not something easily available using the standard API: I'll see if I can enable this using Hivemind.

Thank you and another suggestions is improving reloading. As you may know, most update is slower than other UIs, e.g., reply, post edit, vote count.

This may be for efficiency, but sometimes it's too slow. Thanks!

I'm not sure to have correctly understood this one. Can you explain it a bit more?

Hi @asgarth,

it was about contents refreshing. e.g. sometimes, when I write a reply or edit something, those changes are not effective immediately.

btw, what about increasing max num of tags? Nitrous & Busy (I changed it Busy now supports 12 tags for SCOT tokens / est account value fix / multiple links bug fix) already support more than 5 tags. I know that Steem API doesn't officially support more than 5, it's inevitable due to SCOT tokens. Thanks.

Hi, are you using the default API endpoint (steemit) or

Allowing more tags is already planned for the next release ;)

default API endpoint. so I guess it's because it's not a hive server, so there is a delay. am i right?

great to hear that more tags are already planned. Thanks.