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RE: The House Companions Are All Set Up For The Winter

in #steempeak5 years ago (edited)

lol you're something else. I'm going to continue downvoting everything you boost, and that has nothing to do with your content, and everything to do with your bid bot abuse. Futhremore, I am not trolling you, but simply responding to your idiotic comments.

P.S. You sent the boost at the perfect time too, because I have a 100% downvote ready for you with max downvote power ;)
I'll be waiting for the boost to process.
Best wishes.


I have had trouble with my houseplants in the past although I think a lot of it may been due to a lack of watering but maybe not all of it.

I intend to buy another Poinsetta plant this year. It really seems to do bad in my house. I think two of them died. I figured it was lack of sunlight but maybe not.

Do you still feel my comments were idiotic? Do you think my comments are improving or have improved?

I harbor no resentment and no longer care what you said or edited. I let things go.

You're even slower than I thought. I'm beginning to feel quite sorry for you.
Perhaps you should take a break from Steem and seek professional help for your disposition.

P.S. You can continue to troll me if you wish. If your bid bot abuse ceases, then so will my flags, in the mean time, thanks for the extra engagement on my post! I'm very grateful you're taking the time to increase my exposure.

Flagged for #abuse Please stop being abusive.

Please stop trolling me.

Please stop being mean and abusive.

Get the fuck off my blog. I can show everyone on Steem the mean and abusive things you said and tried to cover up with modifications and deletions. You are an abusive piece of shit who is lacking in intellect and/or any semblance of respect towards others, now get the fuck off my blog.

All of the terrible things you said were unprovoked, and now you are tolling me.

My next move will be to extract the block data of the terrible things you said to me. Calling me trash, calling me stupid, ect.

Get off my blog!

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" -Socrates

You did this, take some accountability for your actions and move on. Do not keep provoking me.

for the original on edited comments/posts brought to you by @drakos. :3

Flagged for #abuse

Come on sweetheart, amp up the percentage, 1% is weak af.

Flagged for #abuse. Please stop being abusive.

Please stop trolling me.