SteemPH Davao Daily Featured Posts May 4

in #steemph6 years ago (edited)

Madayaw Davao!

As part of your @steemph family's effort to reward awesome content creators, @steemph.trail has been launched. In line with this, @steemph.davao will now have a daily post featuring contents from the Davao Region.


The Criteria:

  • Author is from the Davao Region (and neighboring provinces that are not yet under any other SteemPH regional arm)
  • Over 300 Words
  • Use of Basic Formatting
  • At Least 3 Photos Used to Complement the Text
  • Clarity (thought organization and overall presentation)

Post #1

Note: The photo was sourced from the post

Summary: In this post, @jacinta.sevilla showcases her skill in being a linguist. This is a proposal to start using Baybayin (the writing system in the Philippines before colonization). This brilliant post gives us a brief background of the origin, its uses and its importance. She also presents her ideas on how to address the challenges that hinder its use in modern times.

Post #2

Note: The photo was sourced from the post.

Summary: In this post, @vocafrost shares his experience on the second day of Nippon Industrial and Cultural Exchange in Davao City where he and his friends attended and had a booth. Looking at the pictures, it is very apparent that they had a fun day, @vocafrost even dressed up as No Face, a character in Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away.

This is @steemph.davao's initiative to provide additional exposure to budding Steemians who exert effort to create awesome contents.

Follow @bayanihan to view the work of exceptional talents from the Philippines!

If you would like to support initiatives on community building and enrichment, kindly check out @steemph, @steemph.cebu, @steemph.iligan, @steemph.davao, @steemph.laguna, @steemph.antipolo, @steemph.bulacan, @steemph.uae and @steemph.manila

Consider casting your witness votes for @steemgigs, @cloh76.witness, @ausbitbank, and @precise who have been adding invaluable contribution to the community.

To cast your votes, just go to

