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RE: Comforting favourites

in #steempress5 years ago

You and I have some similar food likes. I also love tomatoes and I really like scrambled eggs. I am having a taste issue currently though, which makes no sense.

If I buy ground beef and make burgers at home they're delicious and full of that great burger flavor. But as I've tested the burger joints recently, McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc., I find these burgers don't have much, if any, flavor!

The only commercial places where burgers still have some burger flavor, are Culver's and SteaknShake. It used to be that they all tasted like burgers, and I don't understand why they don't now. Other people say they haven't noticed a change. It's very perplexing!


I am sorry you're having a taste issue. It's the worst.

On the burgers: I think the international franchises use a lot of not meat meat and/or not beef beef - like chicken and then use flavouring. Or so I have heard. Not being in the US (which is where I think you are?), I don't recognise the other places you mention, but I will say this: there's only one local franchise where I'll consider eating a burger, and that's Steer's. Mostly, though, we choose independent eateries where the food is "real". Happily, there is not one franchise restaurant in our village!

Thanks for stopping by @free-reign!