Importance and benefits of educational games and how they influence the lives of children

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)


Games play a useful part in the growth and development of a child's life. As we know there are games of different types, models, colors, shape and size. There will be games that they can not master but they have to try again and again, until they can master the game or the didactic resource.


Resultado de imagen para importancia de los juegos didacticos en la vida del niño


Through the game or the didactic resource the child discovers and explores a new world. The didactic resources is an instrument or an effective game for the education of the child. The game is a vital exercise for growth and development in the life of a child, helping in turn to develop motor and physical capacity, awakens psychomotor coordination, reinforces gross and fine motor skills, increases creativity and imagination.

The didactic games is the key to the growth and evolution of the child, apart from enjoying the game they learn new things while stimulating their skills. We as parents when giving a gift to the little ones in the house, start by giving them didactic games that help them to focus their learning in a different way.

Since these types of games encourage them to have better communication and expression, and the most important thing is that it helps them to develop the cognitive aspect, it has to do with the mind, thus achieving greater knowledge in order that the mechanisms are involved from the simplest to the most complex.


Resultado de imagen para importancia de los juegos didacticos en la vida del niño

Focusing in turn the intellectual procedure on behavior. This helps the child to understand reality and to be able to cope with the society in which it is linked that has to do with human beings to integrate without any problem in their environment. The cognitive process begins or begins at birth and continues during childhood and adolescence.

Games and educational resources in the child's life

They are objects of interest in the life of a child, through these educational resources the child learns to recognize their mistakes, and try again without any problem. Many people believe that the game is a waste of time, usually children when they are in the preschool stage teachers usually ask for a didactic resource in the school list, which I think is great since this gives the child a lot of help .


Resultado de imagen para importancia de los juegos didacticos en la vida del niño

The child learns to communicate with other children to express their feelings and emotions, their concerns learn to be creative. We have to take into account that the didactic games are many, everything depends on the grade and the age of the child.
At the time the child is playing, he must be supervised by an adult, to instruct him how to play.


  <br /><center><hr/><em>Posted from my blog with <a href=''>SteemPress</a> : </em><hr/></center>


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I found your post from the steemiteducation Post of the Day. Big congrats to you!

When I am in the classroom setting, I teach University, so you have my upmost respect for your work. I taught young children only one time, and that was so they could learn to snow ski. It was a wonderful and rewarding job, but very exhausting! I saw in that job that many of the kids did not care about skiing, and only wanted to playing the snow :)

I agree that learning through games is a great way. I am currently out of school for professional development for 10-week and the selected project that my partner and I are planning to do is on game-based learning but for older kids. Children learn best when they are having fun and fun is a nature way to engage them to meaning concept construction. Congrats for being chosen as post of the day in @steemiteducation!

Gracias amigo fun2learn. Saludo