Psalm 1 and Its Practical Application

in #steempress6 years ago

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

An Explanation

There are two approaches to life. Two standards for what we do. Each of these two options has its own Master. The beginning of Psalm 1 paints for us a picture of a blessed man, and a cursed man.

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The Cursed Man

What is a cursed man? First, he is under the curse. He is a man who lives in a fallen world with a fallen nature. Second, he consumes the fruit of the curse. He takes counsel from the wicked, those who break God's Law. Third, he furthers the curse. He lives the "way of sinners," going about his life without obedience to God. Lastly, he enthrones sin. He makes himself (the scoffer) and his judgments lord over God and His judgments.

The cursed man is spiritually in rebellion against God. In this picture, he is also ethically at odds with God's standards. The cursed man is not meek, or harnessed, under God (Matthew 5:5). This is why the cursed man is not rooted, permanent, or able to persevere through the judgment of God (Psalm 1:3-6).

The Blessed Man

We can get distracted by the arguments of what being "blessed" is, but the main point is the character of the blessed man. The blessed man is rooted in the Law of God. He is inseparable from his covenantal God, so he finds joy in His commandments. God’s Law shapes the man’s desires, goals, and conduct.

Obedience to God is why this man, unlike the cursed man, is reckoned meek. In Matthew 5:9, the word ”meek” is also used for a harnessed horse, a horse under its master. This man is blessed because he is ”mastered” by God. This man is obedient to God’s Law, and as the ”meek” of the Lord, he shall inherit the Kingdom of God. The blessed man will be planted, fruitful, and will be refined by the judgment of God (Psalm 1:3-6; James 1:2-5, 12; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15).


As God’s people, we should be intimately familiar with God’s Law. We should devote time to the subject.

And in our work to do the Law of God, we should be hopeful that it will directly impact the future of the Kingdom of God. Our confidence is in the sovereignty of God, so we know that His Word, regarding the historical impact of our obedience, will not return void.

Do not take counsel from the wicked. Do not walk in the works of sinners. Or enthrone their scoffing of God, make their disobedient-wisdom the norm.

  1. Do not use government schooling. It is funded by theft via taxation, teaches a moral system contrary to God’s, and its existence violates the limited roles God delegated to the State.
  2. Do not partake of any voluntary programs that are funded by progressive taxation, which punishes others for having more. That is the essence of envy.
May our endeavors to be the blessed-and-harnessed people of God be our joy, and thanks be to God our efforts will impact the Kingdom of God.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Good study.

Now in the quoted verse... Is the word Law the word Torah in the Hebrew?

If so it isnt saying to only focus on legal law of God. But on God's word. Because the first 5 books of the bible are the foundation of God's Word.


Good question. It is the word transliterated into Torah. The issue is even if you say God's Word, it no less than God's Law. Since blessedness is a result of obedience (Deut. 28), then we know that this blessed man is lawfully obedient. The context of passage informs what aspect of the Torah is being highlighted. So in Psalm 1, the Torah is mostly highlighting the ethical-judicial aspect of God's Law, which sets him apart from the scoffers.

Hopefully that is helpful.

Hey....I see your latest Resteem is about Byteball... It is everywhere....

If you and Helen havent claimed yours yet....would either of you let me be the referral? Preferably which ever of you is in the lower Rep bracket (40+ or 50+) so you yourselves can refer the other and claim that higher referral reward.

The thing is needs to be timed or planned well. It seems there are bots watching the blockchain for new wallet creations and "stealing" referrals. if we did it it would need to be coordinated over Discord or something.

Anyway.... Sorry if many others have already asked. I really dont mean to spam u. Take care and let me know. (I have same user name in Discord: em3 #7760)


I'll ask Helen to message :)

It is, thank you!!

Context context context. Always the determining rule. :-)