Pennsif's Progress #616 - Medical Preps - in 3 or 4 easy stages

in #steempress6 years ago

Today I got a letter from my opticians informing me of my next appointment. I also received a phone call from my dentist.

Keeping up to date with regular checkups at the dentists, opticians and at the doctors for any medical conditions is a key part of our health and medical prepping.

We've all seen the post-apoc film or TV show when someone has toothache - it always end painfully !

I'm not a wild fan of the dentists but I would definitely prefer to have that filling sorted now than when the bad times come and the anesthetic has run dry.

Medical Prepping in three easy stages

Medical Prepping is a big, big part of any prepper's planning.

Outside of the core preps of food, water and shelter I spend more time on our health and medical preps than any other area.

There are many layers to health and medical prepping, for me these include :

  • Current health and fitness
  • Training and skill acquisition
  • Equipment and supplies
Of all the areas of prepping medical prepping is also the one that really needs most participation from the whole family.

Everyone needs to keep as fit and healthy as they can, everyone needs to learn some basic skills.

A Spoonful of Medicine

My adult life began with a year at medical school. I have a post way back that tells why I didn't continue.

Although I didn't continue to become a doctor it did give me a certain level of basic knowledge that has certainly been of help in my medical prepping over the years.

I have done first aid courses, studied herbal medicine and accumulated quite a healthy collection of medical related books.

Collecting paper books is one of my prepper passions. I am definitely not an ebook Kindle sort of guy. Despite Amazon's best attempts to lure me electronic books just don't cut it in my prepping setup.

I will do a separate post about my medical library but one book that has been with me through various editions over the years is 'Where There Is No Doctor' - primarily targeting developing countries but still a must-have in my collection.

If you buy Where There Is No Doctor, along with its sister book Where There Is No Dentist, direct from Hesperian who produce the books you can help their charitable work around the world. The Doctor book is $26.95 and the Dentist book is $16.95.

As Medical Prepping is such a big and critical area I am going to expand this into a number of separate posts.

But picking up on yesterday's 10 Mile Radius Project post I would highlight the point of getting to know where all your local doctors, clinics, pharmacies, veterinary practices are.

If things go bad medical supplies are going to become valuable, and vital, commodities.

For now get fit, stay healthy, plan for the worse...

And if you have a bit of viewing time to spare check out the YouTube channels of Skinny Medic and Dr Bones & Nurse Amy :


You might also be interested in some of my other posts :



[ dentist image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0 // book cover from Hesperian ]


Staying healthy is paramount when you are living in a third world country and when you are prepping. People have a tendency to forget about looking after the mind and the body when prepping. They are not something you can buy extra in a can and have it waiting for when you need it.

I love preaching health and fitness. Especially to the newbies who are hell-bent on packing massive BOBs. It is incredibly hard to hike 3 miles if you're out of shape. It's impossible with 100lbs on your back and elevated stress levels.

Very, very true. Definitely an area I need to keep working hard at - especially as I get older.


Enjoy with friend ...