SteemSavvy - One Week Later

in #steemsavvy6 years ago (edited)

One Week Later....png

It's been a full 7 days since we launched SteemSavvy to the world!

And I thought it would be a good time to go over some of the wins and losses over the past week that we had. As well as give you all a roadmap on where we plan to take this platform.

First up, SteemSavvy is doing what it was meant to do! I had this dream to make a training platform for 'the rest of us' here on STEEM. The people that are curious about the blockchain and the huge potential of a decentralized social media platform.

And I got this comment from a SteemSavvy member a day ago that brought it all home...


Thanks @myjob ! That comment you posted yesterday made my week!

And that's really what this program is designed to do...Break this complicated blockchain down into simple and easy to digest lessons...That helps ANYONE regardless of their technical knowledge level get their hands dirty and play in our @sndbox ! (See what I did there? lol)

STEEM is so much more than just another 'blockchain project' and I'm so grateful for the support that Savvy has gotten in it's short week of existence!

However, sticking out in the noise of this blockchain can be a tough thing to do. We have so much more work ahead of us. And bringing awareness to SteemSavvy within the STEEM community is a huge priority for us. With the support of the community, it's obvious that we can achieve even bigger things!

Here's a few of our plans moving forward...

SteemFest - I'm getting ready to head to Poland in less than 2 weeks from now with SteemSavvy on my mind :) I hope to not only learn from the STEEM veterans but also to get feedback about how we can make SteemSavvy the ultimate training solution to help onboard new Steemians! My game plan in long tail for this stuff, just like the lessons teach within SteemSavvy...Steemfest will help us get SteemSavvy out to more Steemians and encourage them to grow on the blockchain!

Off-Chain Advertising - The first few weeks of launch I'll be in 'Steemfest mode'. However after I get back from Poland I'll be gearing up for some nice off-chain campaigns to bring awareness to SteemSavvy as well as STEEM. We have the best mouse trap out there! Once people get involved with STEEM, they will fall in love with it...We just need to continue to share the STEEM message. I'll be securing some campaigns that should help us do that! And this isn't a one time thing either...I've learned in my decades of being in business online...You need to stay in front of people, consistently! Our off-chain campaigns will do just that!

New Content - This is a big part of SteemSavvy as well. Things change here all the time and we will work hard to give you the best and more up to date training around. That being said, fresh content and new lessons have already been added since launch. I think it's so important to provide people with not only up to date content, but new content to keep them engaged and learning as much as they can. We are dynamic here, not static ;)

Community Focus - It's pretty evident...Community is KEY here on STEEM! And building a unique community won't happen overnight. However like I mentioned above, this is a long tail approach to building SteemSavvy. So we will continue to promote our Discord Server and encourage engagement and networking within it. Our '@steembasicincome' angel initiative has already begun...Where we will be rewarding active Steemians who contribute to the community random SBI units. This helps grow their accounts but also encourages comments, engagement and real relationship building! Again...This doesn't happen overnight, but we encourage you to start poking around our Discord more...You may enjoy what you see :)

Live Training - Part of the plan as well with Discord is to set up weekly and daily training / Q&A sessions. Something I have learned, especially here on STEEM, is once you are out of sight, you are out of mind. So showing up daily and offering new SteemSavvy members an opportunity to ask questions and get helpful tips and tricks in a live environment is an initiative we will move forward with. It will help us stay in front of active members and help them be seen as action takers as well. We've already set up our Monday Night Meet & Greet and will set up a time for our daily Q&A's.

The Savvy Cycle - This is the core of everything we believe in at SteemSavvy. The three pronged attack to build your account here on STEEM...


This message is a big part of the training inside of SteemSavvy and we will be promoting this a lot inside of STEEM. The purpose is to show new Steemians the importance of adding value everyday, sharing STEEM and becoming a product of our product, plus the importance of powering up our accounts. Simple, but we think this is so effective to help Steemians on their journey!

Random Thoughts - We have such big dreams for this platform. Education is critical to STEEM and once people start getting more comfortable and confident by using the dApps every day here, we will see a bigger and better blockchain for everyone. We've talked about SMT's, more gamification elements, plans to reward our members even more...And what are we going to do with the @steemsavvy account lol At the end of the day, we're only 7 days old...And plan to be here for 7 years and more...So we'll show up everyday. Help as many Steemians as we can. And grow together....

I hope you join us on our journey to create the best STEEM education platform ever :)

Thank you for all your support and amazing feedback so far...It's been amazing!!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


the idea and concept look really nice and interesting, I might even consider delegating because education is important.
But you seem to have some issues with your registering process on the website and the link on your website to discord points somewhere else
also, posting this on the @steemsavvy account might make it look not so empty :-)

thanks for letting me know. i’ll get my partner to take a look and see if we can smooth it out for ya. yeah. that account was the first thing we registered. just wanna develop a good plan for it :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

It has been a good week. We just need to show up every day and Plus 1

absolutely :) plus 1 each and every day.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I really like the idea. I just recovered this old account that I thought was lost to history and now I'm wondering what's changed here? Perhaps I could use a brush-up because I have a Lot to share after being away over a year now.

that’s awesome to hear. and welcome back!! thanks so much for the comments!

Posted using Partiko iOS

@jongolson is it all right to start making little quality-of-life requests?
I wanted to check out all the content that's available and while the current gradual unlocking process is understandable, I can't quite make it work on my system -- probably because of some of one of several security features I use, like XSS sanitization. So, the request would be:
Can we have an option setting that unlocks all content? That would speed up the review process and additionally provide an option for users who aren't absolute newbies but want to check out specific videos.

Additionally I'd like to make a point that you should perhaps consider progress tracking an opt-in instead of an opt-out. Here's an example of a successful system for newbies:Babypips that doesn't gate your learning process and I can guarantee it works -- I'm a graduate of that system myself and I loved my time with it.

ya that’s not how it’s set up. the entire purpose is so that people aren’t overwhelmed and take it step by step.

i’ll ask my partner if he has fixes so that it would work. but this is the first i’ve heard of things not working.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well I'm sure it's the fault of my paranoid setup breaking things, technically that's what it's supposed to do, but in a more controlled manner.

Thank you for considering my request, I think it may be useful to some normal users as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations on one week SteemSavvy was and will continue to be needed down the road. Looking forward to the next phases of SteemSavvy after you get back home.

Posted using Partiko iOS

thanks man. appreciate the support always.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Congrats to this awesome week. As you know I care about new members and I am still a newbie too. You are on the right way with Steem Savvy.

thanks man. yeah for sure. heck i’m still a noob lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

What a week!

When we started talking about this project all those weeks ago, we KNEW it was needed and could help bring people up to speed on the STEEM blockchain. Now, one week in, we are finding NEW ways of adding value throughout SteemSavvy, and the future looks AMAZING!

Seriously, this 'works' for people that are new AND those that have been 'around the blockchain' a few times as we have already seen from discussions within the Discord server.

Buckle up everyone, SteemSavvy is about to get MORE exciting!

just getting started!! the next few months should be very exciting for everyone as we develop this education platform as well as its community

Posted using Partiko iOS

oh my goodness, I feel so honored and blessed that you thought so much of my post. I really need a guide to follow and steemsavvy is just what I needed. except I need to take the lesson on the discord over, I signed up and went to it but was in a hurry, had to get shit done, I was like, yikes.... But with steemsavvy I am sure, when I am not rushed, I will figure it out. ty

ha ha ha no no. i feel honored that you got value from savvy. and for sure. take your time. poke around and if you need any help. please do drop me a line anytime.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Happy birthday STEEM Savvy! You are a week old... still an infant with great potential, growth, training, and knowledge for those begging their STEEM journey. Even if you are a veteran you will learn something or even re-learn something you forgot all about. :)

thanks Paul. appreciate that. and all the awesome stuff you are helping with in discord.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's my pleasure Jon! It is easy when you believe in something...

amen to that!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Bro...I know ya won't but I did, I am promoting this for you my friend. I am so thankful that your got me started here, and props on steemsavvy. This is going to help a lot of new steemians!!! Peace and love to yas!!

thanks dude. means a lot. i appreciate your support and grateful for it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for this, it will come in very handy.

glad to hear it :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

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