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RE: Phlai Beeswax Balm & Phlai Massage Oil - For Sale & Shipping World-Wide on @steemshop

in #steemshop6 years ago (edited)

Wonderful to see all your incredible skill sets coming together and presenting your beautiful business and intentions. As an admin for @steemshop I will make sure the vote and resteem gets done today. Although ideally I would like, with your grace to do so this evening during the peak US/EU transition traffic.

We would also love to place a personal order for the family. One for our aching bodies here in CM and one as a gift for @robertscott12 when we see him next. Happy to take hand delivery as and when, what we did not see was a STEEM/SBD price that we can transfer you now?

We'd gladly prefer to pay in SBD if possible and save all parties from unnecessary transaction fees.

Wholeness 💚💯


Steemshop suggests listing in USD to manage steem price volatility. OF COURSE WE TAKE SBD. :) Are you wanting the beeswax balm x2 or the oil? Free delivery in CNX - with a smile - probably over a bite to eat in the coming days. :)

You're right, the fluctuations, especially past the 7 day edit window. Ok so yes please 1 tin for now and will order another when I have the SBD. Delivery over dinner would be a blessing. Thank you 🙏

Order sent. Today's SBD price via coingecko: