The U.S.T.D... By CHOICE, not by FORCE...

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

In my opinion, the U.S. Trade Dollar will be the Currency of Choice; all over the World...

No longer will People of the World be Forced into using our Currency...

And if they have Gold and Silver and they want to use it as Money, I have no objections with that either...

We should be able to Trade Freely, with whatever Money or Currency we "Trust" the most...

If People choose to Barter, that's also fine by me...

Yes, there's a lot of Trust involved with any Currency...

Our U.S. Trade Dollars will show the World that the United States did not cause them to lose any Buying Power by turning in and replacing their Federal Reserve Notes...

People will be able to Exchange their Trade Dollars at the Current Rate of Exchange, World Wide...

The Trade Dollar will be "one of many" Currencies, and their Rate of Exchange will Fluctuate just like any other Currency...

If China wants to have their Currency tied to Gold or Oil, so be it...

Our Trade Dollars will Facilitate any "Trade Deal Agreement"...

This will include the Buying and Selling of Gold and Oil...

The Trade Dollar will be Debt free and owned by We the People, not the Central Bank Owners...

Our Country will never have to pay "interest" on "our own" Currency....

If you take out a Personal Loan with a Bank, that's of your own doing...

A State can make no Law, impairing the Obligation of Contracts...

We the People of the United States shall back the Trade Dollar and U.S. Coinage...

The Trade Dollar and U.S. Coinage shall back everything else, including Gold and Oil...

The United States Trade Dollar will become the Currency (Medium of Exchange) of Choice...

The major problem with Federal Reserve Notes is that as long as they are in Circulation, "We the People" will be Burdened by the Interest attached to them...

Therefore, they must be "Removed from Circulation" as soon as possible...

Federal Reserve Notes, have all been "Borrowed" into existence, with interest attached...

If we remove all Federal Reserve Notes, we will also remove the "never ending" interest due the Central Bank Owners...

The United States needs to start looking out for "We the People", rather than for the "Central Bank Owners"...

Without the interest payment due, guess what happens to your Federal Income Tax Burden...???

There was a time here in the United States when there wasn't any Income Tax...

I'm sure a lot of you would love to see those days return...

The moral of my story is not to take your U.S. Coinage for Granted...

Our Coinage is the answer to our National Debt and never ending Interest...

We need the "Weight" of this Heavy Burden removed...

Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution says that Congress has the Power to Coin Money and "regulate" the Value thereof...

Because of the Loss of Purchasing Power experienced by the Federal Reserve Notes, I feel it's necessary to "regulate" or "reset" the Value of our Coinage by increasing it's Buying Power by 100 Fold...

Once our Coinage is Reset, we can tie it to a "new" Trade Dollar, with the same 100 Fold increase in Buying Power...

That's when we use them to Round up all Federal Reserve Notes from around the World...

The Rate of exchange will be 1 Trade Dollar for every 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

We will need to set a "Redemption Period" to give everyone a fair chance to Exchange their Federal Reserve Notes for Trade Dollars...

Any Federal Reserve Note not turn in before the end of the Redemption Period shall become "Void" of any "Legal Tender Status" and counted towards payment of Debt...

There is no way of knowing how many Federal Reserve Notes have been destroyed by Fire or any number of ways paper can be destroyed...

The only way "not" to pay interest on those that have already been destroyed is to Void whatever Legal Tender Status they may have represented before the end of the Redemption Period...

Kiss all Federal Reserve Note (Petro) Dollars good-bye and say Hello to the (USTD) U.S. Trade Dollar...

I want all the Central Banks of the World to be given the BOOT...

Thanks for reading this "Special Report" on my Pocket Change Theory...

This story has all been a part of my P.C. Theory...

It's not meant to be Financial Advice of any kind...

I'm hoping it opens everyone's eyes to other possibilities...

What I wrote above may or may not come to pass, but if we don't do something fast, we'll all be doomed, to suffer under the Dictates of those who seek to Control us...



It seems like we protect the current Federal Reserve Note with the backing of cruise missiles and military bases on over 100 countries, time for this to stop. Free choice would be a novel idea........looking forward to the Rest Of the Story

Not only do we fight the Battles of the Central Banks, but we have to Borrow the Money from them to fight their battles... After fighting their Battles, we owe them the Money used plus we owe them interest... Could you imagine borrowing money from me to fight my battles, then owing me interest afterwards...??? It's insane...

No central banks and no federal reserve means: Peace and Prosperity!

Looking forward to see how the story ends. . . .

I think I may have shown everyone my P.C. Theory from every possible angle... I'm surprised I'm still able to come up with more ways of helping people to view it... To me, my P.C. Theory is very uncomplicated... I have over 500 posts along with many comments, and so far, I've been able to stand strong in my theory... Not one person has been able to discredit or bring up a valid point to make me adjust my theory in any way... If you do a Google search of "Pocket Change Theory--Steemit" from 8 months ago, you'll find that the only thing that changed, was me calling the "New Dollar" a "Trade Dollar"...

I hope the President and his administration has seen your Theory!

One can only guess... Then again... When a Light Bulb is turned on, it Shines Bright on any Truth... Truth usually spreads like Wild Fire...

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Your thanks have been received and welcomed...
Please give a Special thanks to @silversnake

Not sure it's deserved, but thanks for the shoutout.

This tells me, you read my entire Post, including the Comments and Replies...
Because of that, I figured you deserved a special thanks...

Thank you sir.