Can you really lose it?

Wow! Today has been a rough ride for the crypto scene. Has it hit rock bottom or will tomorrow reopen the wounds? I Guess time will tell.

Well after work I ran home to make sure my cryptos where alright


You see them all, yeah they're right there, I have a little bitcoin, litecoin POE TRX FUN and EOS. What do you mean you can't see them? This is my point, can you really lose something that you never touched or held.some people say it's not a loss unless you sell. See I look at it a little difference. Greed kept you from selling and now greed is having fun with you. Yes they will bounce back, but how many of you got scared and sold just so you wouldn't lose everything?


Greed is defined as: intense and selfish desire for something espicially wealth, power or food. A lot of time the greed takes over and causes you to make bad decision.

Sure selling at the high is what everyone wants to do. But shouldn't you sell when the thought 1st crossed your mind. Now look, its too late.

So when you recover from this awful beating, and you will. Trade for some tangiable wealth. You pick Gold, Silver, Art, whatever you may be into. See I am a silver and gold guy, I would much rather have something to hold then something to view on a laptop or smartphone.


Oh yeah, it makes your safe happy and a lot more interesting to open.

If I have said it once, I have said it a million times, you gotta pull some profits off of the table.

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If you can't hold it, you don't own it foundation.

Proud supporter of all these cool cats that hang out at #steemsilvergold


Follow me @raybrockman

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You speak sense! I have HODL'd my crypto, but it is scary to see the value disapear like it has! I would feel so much safer if I had something physical to hold!

Like a Boss Ray, like a Boss!!!

Ray, I hope you've reinforced your floor! Cause she looks like a chunky girl!

Rock solid, 🤣😎💪

You got that right brother! Never be afraid to take a profit! And remember bulls make money, bears make money, but hogs get slaughtered.

I like , " hogs get slaughtered"

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Bacon !!!

Yeah imagine buying Bitcoin at 1k and seeing it almost touch 20k before xmas and not selling some. How fricken much profit are ppl expecting!? Lol I bet alot of ppl were peeing their pants when BTC almost dipped below 10k! BTC sucks ass anyways, the other alt coins are far better and work as actually currencies but noone really spends em..I do, I buy metals baby 😎

Me too brother all day, everyday and twice on Sundays

Fuck yeah we do!

You are so right ray! I think cryptos are a great thing and will change the world, but it is still very important to hold the shiny stuff!! And hold it in your possession!!

100% correct☝️☝️

Cryptos are great (or have been) for speculation. But silver and gold, that's the asset to HODL for years, decades, generations.

Cryptos have helped me stack up more of the shiny in the past few months than normal that's for sure!
Aren't all of us stackers just a little greedy though? We're always talking about how our metals will help us maintain purchasing POWER in the future😉😉

We are, but we have never really been in a situation like cryptos, I would hope thag we would not be as greedy espicially if we where to see 200%+ gains

I was being facetious for the most part...
The big run up back in 2010/11 was the closest I've seen in my lifetime to crypto gains out of silver and gold. I know at least some of my stuff back then had 100%+ gains from when I bought to when I sold.
I sold the small stack I had back then out of necessity though, not so much because I wanted to, but that's another story for another day haha.

I've been pulling steem off the table lately. I sold bitcoin at 3k for a profit.

Profit is a profit. Smart dude.

I’m with you. Love cryptos but love physical even more. Definitely gotta take profits off the table occasionally.

Nothing better than some shinny bought with profits

Agreed 😀

We've all been tickled a bit by greed with the recent run-ups, it's natural. Dang, nice safe! peace

I agree, greed has touched all of us at one point and time.

You read my mind with this article Ray
I am a very long term stacker. I am 35 years old and not selling till I want to retire (hopefully at 37 haha). I am very confident that gold and silver will have "crypto like" returns sooner or later.

I am really enjoying #steemsilvergold and I am hoping to join one day when I am deemed worthy ; ) Any advice for someone that want to join?

It will bounce back just hold💪🏻👍🏻👊🏼

love your tag line "If you can't hold it, you don't own it foundation."
you need strong hands not to fold when times get tough and a strong plan to exit when times are good. Great advice man, is that your safe? That is damn nice!

Crypto is great but Gold and Silver are the king

@raybrockman I asked you not to show a Picture of my SAFE !!!!!!!!
Please tell me you are Sorry for showing that picture ?

Definitely take some profits when you can! I bought gold and silver with some BTC profits last year.

Glad I had nothing to take today lol. Now I can start at some nice lows. Big box on its way Ray!

Thank you @raybrockman for making a transfer to me for an upvote of 9.73% on this post! Half of your bid goes to @budgets which funds growth projects for Steem like our top 25 posts on Steem! The other half helps holders of Steem power earn about 60% APR on a delegation to me! For help, will you please visit because I check my discord server daily? To learn more about Steem, will you please use because this URL forwards to my most recently updated complete Steem tutorial?

The crypto market in in red . My heart is also red like this crypto market .

Nice Satire, Hard to call cypto, "CURRENCY", when the price adjust, LATELY, DOWNWARD, in increments of $2000 a day.

I do not see anything priced in the store as BTC per unit, keep stacking PM.

If you get scared and sell low then you need to NOT gamble because you're bad at it, lol. One YouTuber described it as Cryptos are On Sale! Thanks for the post ;-)

I don't think holding cryptoes for the possibility of a price upsurge is good enough. Even if it is, it is not secured but then, I believe everything is coming back up. What goes up must come down, let's assume vice versa too.

Well said @raybrockman! I have never regretted a silver or gold purchase, whether it was at a peak or a valley in price. It was right for that day, and a fair trade for the energy (or lack thereof) that went into the fiat I spent at the time. The great part is, I still have it in my hands.

I actually made my first pull out to silver right as the drop started! Only 12 1/10 oz(I wasn't expecting this and still need to grok the metals market better) but I am sure as hell happy I at least got that.

You got a 4.59% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @raybrockman! Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

Leave the club before the lights come on :)

Silver and gold are two real asset and real money

This post has received a 12.08 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @raybrockman.

Thank you ! I am happy to read your post!


Rewards Pool Farmer Alert

@Steemcleaners, check out the comments section of @ryacha21 above. (

He is leasing 30k SP from @minnowbooster then using that to VOTE Up his own 7 Day old comments on random posts at the last minute. Scroll his comments to around the 6 day mark or just go to; he has a lot of self love on his own old comments.

HE IS DOING IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. He is farming the pool.. If you could help it would be appreciated..

Learn more about this sack of monkey spunk here:

Also kinda a dick move to use the actual good post of another person to post a comment for no other reason to come back and farm it later.

Post Author, @raybrockman I do apologize.. This dude makes no actual articles of his own so the only way to draw attention to what he is doing is to comment his comments. My sincerest apologies for cluttering up your blog, outing the abusive self voting behavior of @ryacha21

Cool is the rule...

That is a badass stash. Great points. I have a variety of crypto. No panic selling. But I never put more in than I could afford to lose. I would much rather buy a nice hunk of silver and stick it in my safe. You can hold it, and if you are like the mafia, you can mold it.

I kept telling my friends the same thing and I think I got through to most as they're now just trading with "house money".

Glad I moved everything out of Ripple, Lumens, NEM, Dogecoin, and a few others. Looking to reduce my exposure in some coins I believe in as well because really at the end of the day I'm just trying to grow my BTC.

Just what we need to hear. Thanks. @ironshield

and really the crypto-scene is very fallen. Hopefully it will grow again

Nice stash!

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