We Need a New Broom!

You know the old saying, " A new Broom gets the old dirt". Well its time for some new brooms. Shit is looking messy right now. With the new tariffs coming out on Friday, I look for the market to act very crazy over the next 3 days. Matket futures this morning are already showing tripple digit losses.


Silver Gold continue to struggle, and have ran into some serious resistance at the next level. Silver has been below $15 for the past week. Look for this to go even a little lower.


Bitcoin has smashed through the $5,800 resistance level and word is the next level is far away ( $10,500) look for some crazy increases here. I think we will didlffently see $10,000 btc before the end of 2019.

Well its crazy out there. Becareful and do your homework.

I am not a financial advisor, please do your own research before investing.




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I always thought that when the stock market falls, the precious metals go up, but that is not happening now. Where is the money going to?

Its getting very ugly for sure

It is diffently!!

Seems like the big banks still have firm control over the metals markets. But they can’t print satoshis! I’m with you Ray, we will see $10,000+ btc before we see 2020 — so have some foresight that is 20/20 and buy bitcoin!

It's a very strange time. Hold on to your hats and let's see where we end up.

I agree it is a little crazy right now and that BTC will see some increase before the end of the year. Just have to keep stacking!