ARE YOU READY?? The greatest show on steemit


It's been 6 months since the last #monsterraffle and although the @ssg-community wallet is still looking healthy, there is no better time than to get the next monster raffle underway.

With our friends over at the @thealliance we've coordinated the next raffle to take place during the "BIG" block party get together.


The raffle will take place LIVE during the day of SATURDAY JUNE 22nd. Mr #steemsilvergold himself @raybrockman will be there and hosting the draw with the aid of myself, @silverstackeruk and with @thedamus causing mayhem somewhere.


We have purposefully created a new account to keep track of the SBD raised. The new account and where you should send your SBD to is called:


We thought this just a much easier way to keep a track of incoming ticket sales and not to get them confused with @ssg-community monthly membership donations


Raffle tickets will remain at 1 SBD ($1) and you can buy as many tickets as you wish.

The kind members of #steemsilvergold are starting to donate prizes and we hope to match the previous #monsterraffles by getting about 30+ prizes together (over $1000)

International postage is included in the price of the ticket, so no matter where on the globe you are (sorry flat-earthers), if you win, you'll get your prize.

Any questions please ask and please feel free to donate prizes to this great community raffle.




Here we go!!!!

@silversaver888 Loves Her Raffles...........

Here we go indeed. Buckle up and hold on tight!! It's going to be a good one.

@welshstacker are we able to utilize steem as well or is it only SBD? Excited to see what turns up and out of this one!! Thanks for sharing!!

At tge moment it's just sbd (makes it easier). Eventually all SBD will be converted to steem anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem. I'll just need to give you the conversion rate, when you say how many tickets you want.

Hoo Haw!!!

🍆🍆🍆 This WILL BE the best yet. I have a feeling.

@raddog already bought 11 tickets, here we go

Excellent. Yep I can see it there. Thanks fir letting me know