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RE: Geospatial Big Data: The Magic of Maps and Money

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Valid point. I was keeping the article short and focused -- otherwise I'd never have finished -- so I didn't go into just how many companies and startups do pretty much the same thing Orbital Insight does. It's not one company, it's an entire surveillance economy ecosystem providing this connective tissue to the highest bidder(s)

Heck, there's even this which is available to you and I freely (and isn't that pretty crazy in and of itself?) They, in turn, get their data from Planet who appear to do ... pretty much what Orbital Insight does lol

Also, Snapchat is a messaging program and hilariously overvalued, especially compared to a much cooler and more potent service like geospatial big data. A great many of the best minds in the world are building apps when they could be building the real future.