Community Medicine: Visit to NPI

in #steemstem6 years ago

My colleagues and I went on a field trip today. This is still under our community medicine posting. We visited the Zonal Office of the National Programme on Immunization.

We were taught a whole lot, from how these vaccines are received to how they are stored and also how they are pushed out.

I have a ton of information to share. 😁😁😁😁
I hope you are ready to learn?

Stay tuned for my next post when I must have gotten my thoughts arranged.

Meanwhile, meet my colleague Michael. He just recently caught the steemit bug. He is waiting for his confirmation link.

I am recruiting my colleagues, both junior and seniors. Very soon we will have enough doctors on steemit to care for every steemian.

Much love,

▶️ DTube

wow...good post thanks for.sharing...

Hello friend
Nice post from your behalf.
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Awwwn...really nice of you dearie..
Stay awesome.

Thanks hun

A female doctor - lovely!

Thanks dear

this is luvly am waiting for the next post.

Stay tuned hun😘😘😘

Am ready to learn alot from you

You sure will.

@gee1 good job dear. We'll be looking forward to your subsequent posts

Defintely we will be waiting to learn from you.
Ever heard of @air-clinic. They will love to have people like you within their community.

I am a member dear

Ok. We are waiting for your next posting

Steem evangelism continues

Nice one dear... Can't wait to hear the lectures on vaccines you have 4 us.

countdown to the next post....Cant wait to learn something new

Well done. Bring them all in. Eager to see what you have for us in your next post

Well done @gee1. Ur amazing and your heart is in the right place.

Well done darling!