Are spiders mammals?

in #steemstem5 years ago

English version

Toxeus magnus

Sarefo, CC BY-SA 3.0.

Its ant-like appearance (a form of mimicry) protects Toxeus magnus from 'spider wasps' (family Pompilidae), which, however, is not the subject of today's article. :)

Are spiders now in fact mammals? Or else insects?

I would bet that quite a few readers are now indignantly thinking to themselves "What a nonsense! As everyone knows, they are insects!"
Of course both is wrong. Spiders (class Arachnida) aren't insects (class Insecta) - what you can recognize by their eight instead of six legs - and certainly not mammals ... at least not in the taxonomic sense.

'Spider's milk' contains four times as much protein as cow's milk!

However, Chinese behavioral ecologists around Zhanqi Chen from the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently made an amazing discovery, which they published in the journal "Science" [1]: female specimens of the jumping spider species Toxeus magnus[2} produce a milk-like liquid, whose protein content is, according to chemical analyses, about four times higher than that of cow's milk, and on which its offspring feed until shortly before reaching sexual maturity.
It's interesting to observe how in the course of convergent evolution similar behavior (in this case the suckling of young animals, which is surprisingly not only reserved for mammals) develops several times, independently of each other. At this point I venture of making a brief reference for the interested reader to 'lactating' birds[3] and fishes (study[4]).

As the scientists report, the young spiders are dependent during the first approximately twenty days of their life on this 'mother's milk'. While the female spider first releases this liquid in small drops into the nest, the baby spiders suck up their milk a week later directly at the mother's abdomen, where it leaves the birth canal. The researchers speculate that the milk-like liquid is formed from liquefied unfertilized eggs, with which some other invertebrates and amphibians feed their offspring.

Intense maternal care even after childhood

Even after this first stage of life, when the young spiders begin to search for food during the day, at night the mother continues to supply them with nutrient fluid until they are about 40 days old. While roughly 75 % of the offspring usually survive, this rate drops to about 50 % in nests from which the mother was removed. Interestingly, however, it is no longer above all mother's milk that increases the chances of survival: if the researchers blocked the milk flow but still left the mother in the nest, the survival rate of the young animals remained high. The reason for this may be, that, in addition to milk production, the mother keeps the nest clean by disposing of the waste produced by its children and, if necessary, repairing any damage.
Daughters are allowed to live together with their mothers until adulthood - whose cleaning behavior possible reduces the parasite load in the nest. The male young spiders have to go their own way a little earlier, a precaution which in all probability serves as prophylaxis against inbreeding.

Other Arachnids were also caught feeding.

Although parental behavior in this intensive form had not yet been observed in spiders, arachnids feeding their offspring have been described already earlier:

  • As researchers at Nancy University found out, the funnel-web spider Coelotes terrestris[5] provides three different types of food to their young: caught prey, regurgitation of nutrient fluids and - it may sound macabre - its own body.[6]

  • Females of the species Amaurobius ferox[7] provide their offspring of the first generation with eggs of the following generation (whose maturation is prevented by specific interactions between mother and hatched young spiders) as food source.[8]

Finally the link to a video presented by "Spiegel Online" about the Chinese scientists and their research object.[9]



I think they lay eggs isn't it? But I had that doubt, coz I heard Spider mom dies after giving birth to her kids!


Yes, they lay eggs, but often young spiders hatch shortly after birth. If the mother dies, and the offspring will eat her, differs from species to species.

interesting fact and at the same time it is kind of scary, when I think about how all the behavior, all the fleshy, pulsating warm things, the caring spider moms on earth are only a vehicle for information and that the real action takes place in a meta-world. Most people didnt like the thought that all the good and complex things like: faling in love, having children and giving milk to them , having fun and so on, is just about gen transfer.


It's not easy to reply to this very interesting comment ... Several thoughts (thoughts? Yes, I know I am only able to think, because the ability of thinking has turned out of being useful to transfer our genes into the next generation) are arising:
Is love, is intelligence, are all our skills and traits less precious, less valuable, less fascinating, because they are 'only' the product of evolution, because they could 'only' develop (and continue to exist) as they increased the probability of certain combinations of genes (to be exact: alleles of genes) to survive in the competition with other allele combinations? Aren't the DNA and our genes unbelievable complex and fascinating as well (should we actually be proud of being "vehicles" of such a complex thing like genes)? :-)
Would be the abilities to love, to think logical, to be creative ... greater if they had been given to us by 'God' (or whoever), if they existed as pure self purpose without any concrete function?

If I was 'God', I think I actually had created universe with the aim to initiate evolution with the purpose to fabricate a vast number of wonderful organisms automatically, without the necessity of working myself. ;-)

This is not an answer if things are scary as they are or not, but just some random thoughts which spontaneously came into my mind ... Thanks for commenting!

If I was 'God', I think I actually had created universe with the aim to initiate evolution with the purpose to fabricate a vast number of wonderful organisms automatically, without the necessity of working myself. ;-)

this is a beautiful explanation. Having a creator in play even for me a scientist makes all the things more plausible. And we realy shouldnt underestimate phantasy, since we hold (by this long process of anticipating design/evolution) an exhaustive and explaining map/ a model in us which is only based beliefes and never on knowledge. So thanks for your honest answer!

In case you are interested here are some more thoughts concerning the 'God-topic'. :)

This is a weird creature, friend Jan! Nature always leads me to delight! I met in the summer near the lake of one! Does this person live in your area?


Interesting post...

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Excellent review, my friend, and now, after I learned about the milk of spiders, I also wondered who are spiders, insects or mammals! Thank you @jaki01

Of course this spider is no mammal ... but it's interesting to observe a mammal-like behavior (giving 'milk' to its offspring).

Neither ;)
Schöner Beitrag! 👌 :)

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Nichts für ungut (ihr dürft mich jetzt auch ungestraft flaggen, haha)! :-)

Hallo jaki01 - Danke für Deine interessante Antwort. Noch eine Frage wo bist du in Deutschland Zuhause?
Wir sind hier auch nicht wegen dem Schotter hier. Sondern hoffen hier neue und interessante Menschen kennen zulernen.

... wo bist du in Deutschland Zuhause?

Im Saarland.

Und ihr? Ach so, müsste wohl Berlin sein. :)

Na klar. Aus Berlin. Sonst hießen wir ja nicht

Klar, meine Frage war ein kleiner Scherz. :)

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some things i don't know before damm this was an interesting post to came across thanks for sharing

Beautiful spiders. good luck my brother

Did you also read the article? (Thanks for the upvote.)

you are welcome

great article my dear friend @jaki01

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I think spiders are mammals. in any case, they are ugly :)

Haha, I disagree with both. :-)

Interested in spiders?
Children of Time
On your wishlist:)

It has more of those thought concepts in it.

Of course, spiders are no insects, bats are!
As dolphins are fish.

Thanks for the book recommendation! :)