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RE: The Human Brain Can Create Structures in Up to 11 Dimensions

in #steemstem5 years ago

This article struck me as I just read another amazing news post a few days ago called:

" Baby born without a brain learns to count and surf
Aussie doctors are helping a boy born with two per cent of his brain. His parents were told five times to abort him, but his brain’s grown to 80 per cent.

.....six years on, their son Noah has defied the odds — by “growing” a brain. "

YOU can read the article here:

It is simply amazing how the human body adapts and we seem to manage a lot more than we anticipate or imagine we can do. I truly believe in MIND over MATTER.

You are the sort of person who either gives up before you try and come up with a million excuses as to why it won't work OR you self believe and try to your best ability to do it. Optimism is an amazing gift to learn too!




it is no longer a secret that thoughts can influence your body. just that negative thoughts can cause illnesses shows that the mind is above matter.