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RE: Faith in Humanity - Dying of the Light

in #steemstem4 years ago

The Mary Vincent part was as hard as it gets...
Although the others were on adventures that caused these situations....
In her case it was another human being...
Unbelievable as a "human race" that this man was allowed to leave the courtroom alive, let alone given the opportunity to strike again...


In my mental travels across the internet, it appears cruelty and inhumanity are daily themes. I was literally holding back tears on her story. I couldn't write the same amount that I wrote for the others.

She's amazing though. Despite her constant reminders she moves on. Despite her torment she's a stronger mother, person, and artist. Damn.

On another note, the state government knew they messed up. Unfortunately, someone had to die for them to realize it. It was after the monster was sentenced to death that California toughened up its laws.

Anywho, to respond to one portion of your comment, yes, they were adventurers. They put themselves in that predicament. There were other stories though. Stories that kept me up at night. The things we do to each other are horrid. I'll be adding them to the hive shortly. The story about the man surviving back-to-back nuclear bombs was pretty engrossing. It will be in my next FIH article.

You have yourself a great night friend. Thank you for your support.