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RE: EYE Signs which can Signal Serious Underlying Disease (#1 . EYELID SIGNS)

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

You have a really interesting post here! May I give you a few tips to make it better?

  1. It's advisable that you proof-read a couple of times before posting, because I can spot a few misspellings.
  2. Your formatting needs a little help.
  3. Naming your sources gives your post a more scientific status (especially direct weblinks make it easier for your readers to do some further research of their own).

Steem on and keep smiling!


Thank you very much for your suggestions.I have noted them down and I will make sure I will follow your guidelines. I have tried to improve as you said in my new post. Its similar to this post but this time around the signs are from the conjunctiva. hope you will read it and advise me for further improvement. Thank you. Very much appreciated.

I'll keep an eye on your stuff for sure... :)

Thank you for your encouragement. Will surely try doing better.:-)