
Greedy Pharma and their spiritually evil controllers will keep the Ebola death rate & the Ebola blood flowing, as much & as long as they can.

Wat!!!!! Oh my God!!! Are you serious? You had better be kidding me...who are this Devils...the world ain't safe anymore well that's without Christ. With Jesus on our side these demons won't prevail. Thanks for this info I am really touched and pained in the heart.

The bible says Satan is the god of THIS WORLD (but not the GOD of the Universe).
The Bible also says The LIFE Is In The Blood.
Satans army of demons feed on human LIFE force... blood!!!!
That is why they (the satanist politicians & religious leaders) love WAR so much; WAR is their biggest source of blood for feeding Satan's army of demons.

But now, they have Ebola an even bigger source of blood for feeding Satan's army of demons.

Please see my other post on this same subject:

Hmm thanks