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RE: SteemWorld Update ~ SPS / Holy Shitness Proxy

in #steemworld5 years ago

@steemchiller, would you mind putting a link to the local copy of SteemWorld somewhere at the bottom of the page so that it is readily available to everyone? That would make it so much easier to check for new versions and have the latest version downloaded at all times. Thanks!


Yes, I will add a link in the page footer soon.
For now I've created a redirect to the download here:

The local version detects automatically, if you have installed the newest (major) version and it will show a popup when a new version is available. In the popup is also a button to be able to directly download it from there ;)

Oh sweet! You are so thorough in your work. Auto-updates are the greatest for ease of use, but having the link in the footer ensures anyone that doesn't already have access to the download will have it handy.
Thank-you so much.
I really do hope your proposal for funding gets accepted soon. This is a huge benefit for all of Steem and its users.