Sigo dando mi apoyo porque me parece mmuy útil tu plataforma, sin embargo, creo que una cosita me está dando error explico: el monto total con el que liquida mi post es diferente al que aparece en esta plataforma
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Thank you! Do you have an example that shows the difference? In which section did it occur, Coming Author Rewards or Recent Posts? Maybe it's related to the current state of public nodes.
I currently need to use the Steemit node ( as main endpoint, because there is still no stable alternative available. The data from that node seems to be no longer synchronized in real time, which could be the reason for the difference.
This makes me a bit worried, I thought Steem was supposed to be decentralized?
Yes, it is decentralized, but regarding to the number of available public nodes it's not really the case currently. I guess it has to do with the many updates in the recent weeks and the fact that a blockchain replay for a full node takes several days...
I think we need kind of a reward for people who supply the network with a stable RPC node. The hardware is very expensive (If I could afford, I would start an own node) and not all top witnesses are providing such endpoint to us, so their witness rewards go into other things. As more and more users are joining the Steem network, this problem becomes more and more important.
Thanks for your many great votes btw ;)
Hm ... shouldn't "providing access to the blockchain" be one of the main duties of the witnesses? Is there a different API only for broadcasting the latest blocks, or do they provide APIs that are firewalled so only other witnesses can use it?
You do have a witness list - add a column there for "has active RPC endpoint", so that's also something people can consider when choosing whom to give the witness votes to. Perhaps even a "red flag column", which would show a red flag for any witness that is either:
ich hätte da gerne mal ein Problem-. In der Steemhistorie begegnen meiner Neugier ganz entscheidende Hindernisse. So konnte man dort früher noch gut 3 Monate zurück blättern. Ob es sich dabei nun um Kommentare, das Wallet oder Artikel handelte, Steemit hat 3 Monate zurück geblättert. Heute zeigt der Condenser deutlich weniger, bevor weiteres Scrollen verweigert wird.Lieber @steemchiller,
Deine Steemworld bringt ganz wunderbar viele verschiedene Ereignisse der Blockchain auf den Schirm. Man kann sie komfortabel filtern, sogar solche, die man auf Steemit überhaupt nicht zu Gesicht bekommt. Aber auch bei dir bekommt man jegliche Historie nur eingeschränkt über acht Tage. Natürlich hat das was mit der Belastbarkeit deiner Server zu tun. Das ist mir schon klar. Nur – was kann ich tun, wenn ich z.B. alle Transfers eines Accounts von Anfang an listen möchte? Ich bin kein Programmierer und die Annäherung an die Lösung dieser Aufgabe würde mich Tage kosten. Hast du da einen praktischen Tipp? Sozusagen Instant–Wissen für Kids. Das wäre sicher auch eine Idee für gut bezahlte Artikel!
Danke für deine Aufmerksamkeit.
Lieber @afrog,
wenn ich richtig verstanden habe, was du möchtest, dann ist das in der SteemWorld schon drin:
Tools / Transfer Search
Nur Name eingeben ohne Datum; dann erhältst du alle Transfers dieses Accounts.
Lieben Gruß
Danke @double-u. Die Tools hatte ich nie benutzt. Daher kam das auch nicht bis auf meinen Schirm. Lieber @steemchiller, vergiss die Frage einfach! Du bist noch besser, als ich eh schon dachte.
Yes, the APIs are separated and a full API node requires an extra server which is much, much faster than a normal witness server. They also (in most cases) provide an extra seed node just for spreading the blocks to other nodes. So we have three servers...
I think it would not change much, if I would add the information in the witness list, because it is already a well known problem. It may even be that some witnesses are really good in what they are doing but technically not on a level to maintain a full node. Difficult to say and define what is a 'right' or 'wrong' way for them.
That's why I came to the idea that we might need a reward for full node maintainers, so that there is a good reason for people that are able to provide a stable endpoint to do so. Even non-witnesses should have the option in my eyes.
Yes, that sounds like a good idea
Probablemente sea lo que comentas del tiempo real sin embargo te dejo el ejemplo que sucedió en las últimas dos publicaciones liquidadas.

Wow, now I see it. It looks like the amount on Steemit is not correct. When I use a calculator and sum up all vote values, I come to a value > 10.8:
Es bastante extraño...