STEPN has updated the prices for minting new sneakers!

in #stepn2 years ago

STEPN is a product in expansion and it is definitely evolving along the way. A few days ago, we created an article in the IP Address Guide with the new prices for minting sneakers that also introduced GMT as a part of the price. But, on April 28th, they did some further changes, and this time they made GMT the main currency for minting sneakers, while GST turned into a secondary currency.

What I just wrote might not be entirely true, because even though you now pay 120 GMT and 80 GST to mint a new sneaker, the value of GMT is still much lower than the GST price, meaning that GST is still the "bigger" part of the payment, but it is much more stabilized, and I have a feeling that this will for sure increase the buying pressure for GMT in the coming days and weeks.

By the way, I just minted my first STEPN sneaker two days ago. It was quite an experience and I immediately learned that minting of sneakers happens at once (no waiting like you have to do when you level up a sneaker or something like that). To be honest, I hadn't done enough research, so I thought minting a new sneaker from two trainers would give me a new trainer, but I was wrong about that. Afterward, I quickly noticed that there is a 25% chance of minting a new trainer as you mint a sneaker from two trainers, while there is just as much a chance of minting a runner, a jogger, or a walker.

minting price.png

But, my trainers are still active with only 1 mint, so tomorrow I will give it a try once again, and maybe I will be more "lucky" then. I would be happiest about a trainer, but I would also be happy to get a jogger or a walker, while the runner is the one I am least interested in.

No matter what, I am a giant STEPN enthusiast, and I should not forget to mention that I love my daily 20-minute run... Well, today it was longer because I suddenly realized that I was moonwalking for five minutes, so then I had to run five more minutes to deplete my energy completely!